Definition 2025





badhbh f (genitive singular baidhbhe, nominative plural badhbha)

  1. hooded crow
    • between 1583 and 1591 Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn, The Bardic Poems of Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn: "Cath Droma Lighean"
      Budh iomdha ar madoin go moch/ proinn dá caitheamh go corrach;/ laoich ag ionnráithne a n-arm ngéar,/ iolgháirthe badhbh is brainéan.
      In the morn betimes/ there will be many a meal consumed without comfort,/ warriors whetting (?) their keen weapons,/ shrieks of scaldcrows and ravens.
  2. vulture or other ravenous bird
  3. a scold or curser
  4. a female fairy said to be attached to certain families and to foretell death, appearing as a hooded crow
    • 1974 Béaloideas Volumes 42-47, p. 99:
      ... deirtí go bhfeictí an bhadhbh i bhfoirm mná breá dathúil, gruaig fhada de dhath an óir síos go sála uirthí, i ina suí ar an gcathaoir so agus í ag cíoradh a cinn.
      ... it was said that the badhbh was seen in the shape of a fine good-looking woman with long golden hair down to her heels sitting on this chair and she combing her hair.


Derived terms

  • badhbha (martial, warlike, adjective)




Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Eclipsis
badhbh bhadhbh mbadhbh
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.
