Definition 2025
- to give oneself; reflexive form of dot
- to go, to set off, to set out, to leave (to put oneself in motion in order to reach a certain goal, either on foot or in a vehicle)
- doties līdzi draugam ― to go with a friend
- doties pāri ielai ― to go across the street
- doties laukā no istabas ― to go out of the room
- doties uz mājām ― to go home
- doties uz pilsētu ― to go to the city
- doties pa kāpnēm lejā ― to go down the stairs
- doties laivā pāri upei ― to go across the river on a boat
- doties uz staciju ar motociklu ― to go to the station by motorcycle
- doties atpakaļ ar lidmašīnu ― to go back by airplane
- govis dodas uz ganībām ― the cows went to pasture
- laiva dodas pa upi lejup ― the boat went down the river
- skriešus doties cauri mežam ― to go running through the forest
- lēniem soļiem doties kalnā augšā ― to go up the hill with slow steps
- Alvils Dzeguze, neaizgājis līdz ārdurvīm, apgriezās un devās atpakaļ uz laboratoriju ― Alvils Dzeguze, (having decided) not to go to the front door, turned around and went back to the laboratory
- to go somewhere to carry out a certain action, to participate in a certain activity
- doties uz izstādi ― to go to an exhibition
- doties pie darba ― to go to work
- doties ekskursijā, ceļojumā ― to go on a tour, on a trip
- doties mēdības ― to go hunting
- doties uz fronti ― to go to the (war) front
- doties briesmās ― to go to danger (= to a dangerous situation)
- signālu doties kaujā saņēma arī mūsu bataljons ― also our battalion received the signal to go to battle
- pēc kādas stundas devāmies atkal ceļā un braucām līdz pat saules rietam ― after about an hour we went back on our way and traveled up to the very sunset
conjugation of doties
INDICATIVE (īstenības izteiksme) | IMPERATIVE (pavēles izteiksme) |
Present (tagadne) |
Past (pagātne) |
Future (nākotne) |
1st pers. sg. | es | dodos | devos | došos | — |
2nd pers. sg. | tu | dodies | devies | dosies | dodies |
3rd pers. sg. | viņš, viņa | dodas | devās | dosies | lai dodas |
1st pers. pl. | mēs | dodamies | devāmies | dosimies | dosimies |
2nd pers. pl. | jūs | dodaties | devāties | dosieties, dosities |
dodieties |
3rd pers. pl. | viņi, viņas | dodas | devās | dosies | lai dodas |
CONJUNCTIVE (atstāstījuma izteiksme) | PARTICIPLES (divdabji) | ||||
Present | dodoties | Present Active 1 (Adj.) | — | ||
Past | esot devies | Present Active 2 (Adv.) | dodamies | ||
Future | došoties | Present Active 3 (Adv.) | dodoties | ||
Imperative | lai dodoties | Present Active 4 (Obj.) | dodamies | ||
CONDITIONAL (vēlējuma izteiksme) | Past Active | devies | |||
Present | dotos | Present Passive | — | ||
Past | būtu devies | Past Passive | — | ||
DEBITIVE (vajadzības izteiksme) | NOMINAL FORMS | ||||
Indicative | (būt) jādodas | Infinitive (nenoteiksme) | doties | ||
Conjunctive 1 | esot jādodas | Negative Infinitive | nedoties | ||
Conjunctive 2 | jādodoties | Verbal noun | došanās |
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs: