Definition 2025



See also: vina, viña, vinã, Viña, vīna, vină, vīnā, and viņā



viņa f

  1. that one, that, the other one, the other



viņa m

  1. his; genitive singular masculine form of viņš

viņa (personal, 3rd person singular feminine) (masc. viņš, masc. pl. viņi, fem. pl. viņas)

  1. she; third person pronoun, referring to someone or some animal other than speaker or addressee
    veikala vadītāja runāja klusi; viņa bija piesarkusi un stāvēja nodurtu galvu ― the store manager was speaking softly; she had blushed and was standing with downcast head
    tā ir māsas grāmata, es to aiznesīšu viņai ― this is (my) sister's book, I'll take it back to her
    meitene iesmējās; viņas balss noskanēja kā zvaniņš ― the girl laughed; her voice sounded like a bell
    govs ganījas āboliņa atālā; viņa ar mēli plūca āboliņu ― the cow was grazing clovers at a distance; with (her) tongue, she plucked a clover (leaf)
  2. that; distal demonstrative pronoun; see viņš


Related terms

See also