Definition 2025




Alternative forms


faoina (triggers eclipsis, in regular past tenses faoinar)

  1. under which, under whom; about which, about whom (indirect relative; not used in the past tense except with some irregular verbs)
    an crann faoina bhfuil sé ina shuí ― the tree under which he is sitting
    an bhó faoina dúirt sé scéal ― the cow about which he told a story

Usage notes

“About/under which” may also be expressed with the indirect relative particle before the verb and the appropriate inflected form of faoi in its original position in the clause:

  • an crann a bhfuil sé ina shuí faoi ― the tree he is sitting under
  • an bhó a dúirt sé scéal fúithi ― the cow he told a story about



  1. Contraction of faoi (under, about) + a (his, her, their).
    ‘under/about his’ (triggers lenition): faoina shúile ― under his eyes
    ‘under/about her’ (triggers h-prothesis): faoina hascaill ― under her arm
    ‘under/about their’ (triggers eclipsis): faoina gcosa ― under their feet
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