Definition 2025




Alternative forms


trínarb (form used before a consonant trínar) (used before a vowel sound)

  1. through which/whom is
    • Revenue: Irish Tax and Customs, Próiseáil faoi Rialú Custaim / Processing under Customs Control:
      I gcásanna áirithe, is féidir le trádálaithe iarratas a chur isteach ar Phróiseáil Isteach agus ar Phróiseáil faoi Rialú Custaim le nós imeachta simplithe trínarb ionann an dearbhú iontrála earraí agus iarratas ar an nós imeachta.
      In some instances traders may apply for Inward Processing and Processing under Customs Control using a simplified procedure whereby the declaration of entry for the goods constitutes an application for the procedure.

Usage notes

Especially in the spoken language, it is more common to use the indirect relative particle ar with a resumptive prepositional pronoun:

nós imeachta arb ionann an dá rud tríd ― a procedure through which the two things are the same

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