Definition 2025





noslēpumains (def. noslēpumainais, comp. noslēpumaināks, sup. visnoslēpumainākais; adv. noslēpumaini)

  1. (of people, their behavior) secretive, mysterious (not understood, not known, such that it has a secret, a mystery; expressing such characteristics)
    noslēpumains skatiensmysterious gaze
    noslēpumaina balssmysterious voice
    viņu ieinteresēja noslēpumainais kaimiņš ― he became interested in (his) mysterious neighbor
    sievietē slēpās sfinksa, tādu iespaidu radīja viņas nekustīgais, noslēpumainais smaids ― in the woman a sphynx was hidden; this impression was created by her steady, mysterious smile
    viņš tagad bija kļuvis ļoti noslēpumains... tunāja gan tikpat daudz un labprāt kā agrāk, bet vienmēr kaut kas palika neizteikts ― he had become very secretive... he talked as often and as willingly as before, but something remained unsaid
  2. (of things, places, facts) mysterious (unknown, not understood, unsolved)
    noslēpumaini trokšņimysterious noises
    noslēpumaina vietamysterious place
    noslēpumaini plāni, nolūkisecret, mysterious plans, intentions
    sabiedrībā daudz un dažādi runāja par Edmunda Bērza noslēpumaino pazušanu ― in society, many (people) talked about Edmunds Bērzs' mysterious disappearance
  3. mysterious (causing a grim sense of discomfort or even fear)
    noslēpumaina čabēšanamysterious murmur
    tad uznāca karstums un sauspūtis vējš, un stepe kļuva pelēka, drūma, noslēpumaina ― then came the heat and the dry wind, and the steppe became gray, gloomy, mysterious
  4. mysterious (interesting, attractive, captivating because of its unusual character)
    ģimnāzistes gadi!... šie vārdi ietver sevī kaut ko noslēpumainu un romantisku ― highschool years!... these words had in themselves something mysterious and romantic
    visapkārt plešas svelmīga, noslēpumaina vasaras nakts ― the sultry, mysterious summer night spread around everywhere
    svešu ciemu un pilsētu, neredzētu kalnu un stepes ainas... vilinoši, noslēpumaini nosaukumi: Dno, Bežecka, Kurgāna ― a steppe scene of foreign villages and cities, unseen mountains... tempting, mysterious names: Dno, Bežecka, Kurgāna


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