Definition 2025





noslēpums m (1st declension)

  1. secret (information which is not to be disclosed to others)
    valsts noslēpums ― state secret
    kara noslēpums ― war secret
    dienesta noslēpums ― professional secret
    glabāt noslēpumu ― to keep a secret
    turēt noslēpumā ― to keep (something) a secret
    izpaust noslēpumu ― to reveal, to disclose a secret
    atklāt draugam noslēpumu ― to reveal a secret to a friend
    no dieva puses, nestāstiet nevienam, tas ir liels noslēpums ― for god's sake, don't tell anyone, this is a big secret
    Zanda... tu esi mana sieva, nekādu noslēpumu starp mums nedrīkst būt ― Zanda... you are my wife, there should be no secrets between us
  2. secret, mystery (something that is not known, that has not been investigated or researched)
    darbs - liela mūža noslepums ― work (is) the secret of a big (= long) life
    kolosālie zinātnes sasniegumi matērijas dziļāko noslēpumu atklāšanā ― colossal scientific achievements in the discovery of the deepest secrets of matter


Derived terms

Related terms

  • noslēpt