Definition 2025





pænitent (comparative more pænitent, superlative most pænitent)

  1. Archaic spelling of penitent.
    • 1633: John Barclay [aut.] and Thomas May [tr.], The Mirror of Minds: or, Barclay’s Icon Animorum, page 289
      But the mind of that man, whom Nature molded for a louer, is mild, expreſſing in the very countenance modeſty, and ſimple vertue; of a great but mercifull ſpirit, not hard to be entreated to ſpare ſupplyants, and contemne reuenge; exceeding pænitent when he himſelfe offends; a great louer of offices of humanity, impatient of idleneſſe and all occaſions of ſloth, vnleſſe for getting the great benefits which he hath receiued from Nature, he corrupt the felicity of his diſpoſition with laſciuious wantonning, and ſo idleneſſe.