Definition 2025



See also: ražībā



ražība f (4th declension)

  1. (of crops, fruit, livestock) productivity, yield (the quality of that which is productive, fruitful; amount of production obtained per unit area or time)
    kultūraugu ražība ― crop productivity, yield
    augļaugu ražība ― fruit yield
    koka ražība ― timber productivity
    lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku ražība ― livestock productivity
    normāla, zema ražība ― normal, low productivity, yield
    ražības līmenisproductivity level
    vērtēt ražību ― to estimate productivity
    kāpināt ražību ― to increase productivity
  2. (of land) productivity (the quality of that which is productive; the amount of crops, fruits, etc. obtained per unit time)
    zemes, augsnes ražība ― land, soil productivity
    tīrumu ražība ― field productivity
    ganību ražība ― pasture productivity
  3. (of instruments, methods) productivity (the quality of that which is productive; the capacity to produce good results)
    šī mašīna domāta ceļu un laukumu attīrīšanai no akmeņiem un dažādiem netīrumiem; tās ražība: viens miljons kvadrātpēdu virsmas stundā ― this machine (is) designed for cleaning rocks and dirt from roads and fields; its productivity: one million square feet of surface per hour



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