Definition 2025





ražīgs (def. ražīgais, comp. ražīgāks, sup. visražīgākais; adv. ražīgi)

  1. (of plants, crops) productive, fruitful (capable of growing quickly, of thriving, of producing a rich harvest)
    ražīga labībaproductive, fruitful crop, grain
    ražīga ābelefruitful apple tree
    pie mums miežu kultūra ir visražīgākā ― in our (land) the barley culture (= cultivation) is the most productive
  2. (of soils, time periods) productive, fertile (which causes, is characterized by, larger, better harvests)
    ražīga zemeproductive, fertile land
    ražīgs gadsproductive year
    (of animals) fecund, fertile (who produces much offspring)
    vaislinieces ir ļoti ražīgas: 1978. gadā tās deva vidēji pa 23 sivēniem ― the breeders (i.e., sows) are very fertile: in 1978, they gave in average 23 piglets each
  3. (of cattle, goats, etc.) productive (who produces much milk)
    ražīga govsproductive cow
  4. (of people, usually artists) productive, fruitful, prolific (who works well, who produces many results, works)
    Džeks Londons ir viens no ražīgākajiem pasaules rakstniekiem ― Jack London is one of the most productive, most prolific writers in the world
    tik ražīgs neesmu bijis pat savos vislabākajos gados ― I wasn't as productive (as this other artist) even in my best years
  5. (of tools, instruments, methods) productive (which can be used to produce many results relatively quickly)
    ražīgāka tehnika un mehānismi — more productive techniques and machinery
    elektriskajiem zāģiem ir daudz priekšrocību: tie ir ražīgāki, vieglāki, nerada vibrācijas ― electric saws have many advantages: they are more productive, lighter, don't cause vibrations
  6. productive (which produces, is characterized by, good results)
    ražīgs darbsproductive work
    ražīga rūpniecībaproductive industry
    es jūtu, ka šodiena būs ražīga ― I feel that today will be productive



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