Definition 2025





ražens (def. raženais, comp. raženāks, sup. visraženākais; adv. raženi)

  1. (of plants) ripe, well grown, lush (which has become big, thick; having many fruits)
    raženi rudziripe, thick, lush rye
    ražena ābelebig, large apple three
    raženi kartupeļibig, well grown potatoes
    ražena druvathick, lush cornfield
    ganību zāle pašlaik, jūnija beigās, ir ražena gandrīz visur ― the pasture grass is now, at the end of June, thick, lush almost everywhere
  2. (of harvest, grains) large, rich, very successful
    un mēs smejam; bet saulstaros kaist Pirmā kūluma raženie graudi ― and we laughed; but under the sun rays the rich threshed grain (yield) was warming up
  3. (of animals, livestock) of very good quality
    kolhoza ļaudis nepilnos četros kolektivizācijas gados izveidojuši raženu Latvijas brūno lopu šķirnes ganāmpulku, kas ar savām izcilajām īpašībām kļuvis jau tālu pazīstams ― the people of the collective farm, in less than four years of collectivization, had introduced a heard of high-quality Latvian brown cattle which, with their superb features, have already become widely famous
  4. (of time periods) fruitful, rich (during which crops grew and developed very well)
    ražena vasararich, fruitful summer
    ai, ražens un bagāts ir bijis šis gads ― oh, this year has been fruitful and rich
  5. (of actions, processes, time periods) fruitful, productive (very intensive, with good results)
    nāca atkal raženas darba dienas, kalējs strādāja ar tādu spēku un prieku, ka veci vīri, apbrīnojot viņa darbu, klanīja galvas ― the fruitful days of work came back, the blacksmith worked with such effort and joy that the old men, admiring his work, nodded their heads
  6. rich, prosperous (such that nothing is lacking)
    ražens novadsrich, prosperous region
    ražena dzīverich, prosperous life
  7. productive, successful (such that it produces good results)
    jo labākos apstākļos cilvēks dzīvo, jo raženāka būs viņa atdeve darbā ― the better living conditinos a person has, the more productive will be his/her return at work
    par raženu darbu, sabiedrisko aktivitāti brigāde izcīnījusi tiesības saukties Imanta Sudmaļa vārdā ― because of (their) successful work and social activity the team won the right to be named in honor of Imants Sudmalis
  8. (of social phenomena) very strong, powerful, meaningful, influential, useful}}
    mūsu republikas teātris ir saņēmis mantojumā raženas reālistiskas un demokrātiskas tradīcijas ― the theater of our republic has received as inheritance powerful realist and democratic traditions
  9. (of people, their bodies) powerful, stately, robust, healthy, handsome
    ražens puisis ― a strong, powerful guy
    ražena auguma sieviete ― a woman of healthy, impressive height
    raženā cūkkope Liepiņu Anna, spēcīga, drukna meita ― the robust pig farmer Anna Liepiņa, a strong, stocky girl



Related terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), ražens”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7