Webster 1913 Edition



In a specific manner.

Webster 1828 Edition



In such a manner as to constitute a species; according to the nature of the species. A body is specifically lighter than another, when it has less weight in the same bulk than the other. Human reason-differs specifically from the fantastic reason of brutes. -Those several virtues that are specifically requisite to a due performance of duty.

Definition 2025





specifically (comparative more specifically, superlative most specifically)

  1. in a specific manner, applying to or naming a particular thing or things, expressly, explicitly
    • 1994, Congress of the United States, United States Statutes at Large, Volume 108, Part 4:
      A provision of law may not be construed as requiring a new grant to be awarded to a specified non-Federal Government entity unless that provision of law (1) specifically refers to this subsection; specifically identifies the particular non-Federal Government entity involved; and (3) specifically states that the award to that entity is required by such provision of law in contravention of the policy set forth in subsection (a).
    • 2009 (last modified), University of North Dakota, Institutional Review Board Standard Operating Procedures: Informed Consent Documentation:
      Unless specifically waived by the IRB, all subjects, or their legally authorized representatives, must document that they are consenting to participate in any research project that is approved by the University of North Dakota Institutional Review Board.
    • 2010 (last amended), Congress of the United States, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure/Rule 11:
      Unless a rule or statute specifically states otherwise, a pleading need not be verified or accompanied by an affidavit.
    • 2011, Paul Bergman, Sara Berman, The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System:
      Many laws are directed specifically at child abuse.
  2. for a specific purpose or reason
