Definition 2025
vecs (def. vecais, comp. vecāks, sup. visvecākais; irreg. adv. (none))
- (of people, living beings) old (who has lived relatively long, relatively many years)
- vecajam ir gādīga tēva sirds ― the old (man) has a caring father's heart
- veca sievete ― old woman
- vecā paaudze ― the old generation
- vecs vilks ― old wolf
- vecas govis ― old cows
- veca liepa ― old lime tree
- vecs mežs ― old forest
- (with age indications in the accusative) old
- mēnesi vecs bērns ― a one-month-old child
- divpadsmit gadus vecs pusaudzis ― twelve-year-old teenager
- Erfurte ir vairāk nekā tūkstoš gadu veca ― (the city of) Erfurt is more than a thousand years old
- old (typical of aged people; weak)
- vecas kājas ― old legs
- veca sirds ― old heart
- old (who has worked long, who has much experience)
- veci zvejnieki ― old, experienced fishermen
- vecs kolekcionārs ― old collector
- vecs fotoamatieris ― old amateur photographer
- old (who has lived somewhere for a long time)
- vecs šejienietis ― old local, someone who has lived here long
- old (who has been known for a long time)
- veca paziņa ― old acquaintance
- veci draugi ― old friends
- old (which was founded, created, built, made long ago, which has existed, has been known for a relatively long time)
- vecs muižas centrs ― old manor
- vecas mājas ― old house
- veca pilsēta ― old city
- vecā pasaule, vecais kontinents ― old world, old continent (Europe, Africa, Asia)
- vecs rakstāmgalds ― old desk
- vecas tradīcijas ― old tradition
- veca mīlestība ― old love
- vecs joks ― old joke
- veca ziņģe ― old popular song
- vecs dokuments ― old document
- (of plants, crops; chiefly definite forms) old (which grew, became ripe a long time ago; which was harvested the previous year)
- vecie rudzi, kartupeļi ― old rye, potatoes
- uzturā izlieto jaunas saknes, vecās saknes ir negaršīgas, koksnainas ― in food one uses new roots, the old roots are unpalatable, woody
- (of objects, buildings) old (worn out, used for a long time, not suitable for further use)
- zvana tornis kapsētā bija vecs, apsūnojis ― the bell tower in the cemetery was old, mossy
- veca, salāpīta vīriešu žakete ― old, patched men's jacket
- saimnieks atdevis savus vecos zābakus ― the landlord gave away his old boots
- (of food) old (which was stored for a long time ago, which is no longer fit to be eaten)
- vecs ievārījums ― old jam
- veca zupa ― old soup
- (of systems) old (no longer in use, no longer valid)
- vecs kalendārs ― old calendar
- veca caurlaide ― old pass, badge
- (of time period; chiefly definite forms) old (already passed, already gone by; relating to past times)
- vecais gads ― old year (i.e., the previous year)
- vecie laiki ― old times
- vecā nauda ― old money
- vecais valsts aparāts ― old state apparatus
- veci notikumi ― old events
- (chiefly definite forms) old, previous (which existed before (something else), before the current one, which was replaced by a new one)
- vecais direktors ― the old director
- upes vecā gultne ― the river's old bed
- vecā adrese ― the old, previous address
- Vecā Derība ― the Old Testament (first half of the Bible)
- vecā stila (Jūlija) kalendārs ― old style (Julian) calendar
- vecā ortogrāfija ― the old spelling (used in Latvia before the early 20th century)
- (definite form, used nominally) old one (one of two spouses, mentioned by the other one; a parent, mentioned by the child; (plural) parents (syn. vecāki))
- man jau nav vaļas tā sēdēt; vecais gaida mājā ― I don't have the leisure to sit like that; the old one (i.e., my husband) is waiting in the house
- “kur tēvs?” “tavs vecais? sveiks un vesels...” ― “where (is) father?” “your old one? safe and sound...”
- tev negribējās mācīties; bet vecie piespieda un pareizi darīja ― you didn't want to study; but your old ones (= parents) forced you to, and that was well done
- (definite form, used nominally) old one, old thing (something out of date, outmoded; something which hinders new developments)
- mūžīgi ārdoša cīņa starp iegūto veco un vienmēr topošo jauno ― the eternally raging battle between the stable old and the always emerging new
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of vecs
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | vecs | veci | veca | vecas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | vecu | vecus | vecu | vecas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | veca | vecu | vecas | vecu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | vecam | veciem | vecai | vecām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | vecu | veciem | vecu | vecām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | vecā | vecos | vecā | vecās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
Related terms
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “vecs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7