Definition 2025





ļauns (def. ļaunais, comp. ļaunāks, sup. visļaunākais; adv. ļauni)

  1. evil, wicked (whose behavior, attitude towards others is hostile, cruel, vile, criminal)
    ļauns cilvēksevil person
    viens un tas pats cilvēks var būt vienā brīdī bezgala labs un otrā, neticami ļauns ― the same person can be one moment infintely good, and then, incredibly evil
  2. evil (expressing hatred, cruelty)
    ļauns smīnsevil grin
    ļauna sirdsevil heart, malice
    ļauns prieks ― gloat (lit. evil joy)
    ļauna acs (kādam) ― (someone has) evil eye (i.e., can curse)
  3. evil, bad (relating to, leading to something very undesirable, misfortune, sorrow; dangerous)
    ļauns liktenisevil fate
    ļauns stāvoklisbad, twisted condition
    noticis kas ļauns ― something bad happened
    ļaunākajā gadījumā ― in the worst (lit. worse) case
    visas labās un ļaunās dienas ― all the good and bad days
  4. evil, twisted, dark (whose content expresses something hateful, cruel)
    ļauns humorstwisted, dark humor
    ļauna slava ― infamy (lit. evil fame)
  5. (of animals, plants) harmful
    no gundegu sugām pašas indīgākās ir ļaunās gundegas ― of all species of buttercup the most poisonous is the celery-leaved buttercup (lit. evil buttercup)




Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), ļauns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7