Definition 2025
ūdens m (2nd declension, irregular nominative, genitive)
- water (transparent liquid substance formed by hydrogen and oxygen; H₂O)
- smagais ūdens ― heavy water (hydrogen peroxyde, H₂O₂)
- ūdens molekula ― water molecule, H₂O
- tīrs, skaidrs ūdens ― clean, clear water
- dzeramais ūdens ― drinking (lit. drinkable) water
- duļķains ūdens ― muddy water
- mīksts, ciets ūdens ― soft, hard water
- vārīts, destilēts, gāzēts ūdens ― boiled, distilled, carbonated water
- jūras, upes, lietus ūdens ― sea, river, rain water
- ūdens ceļš, ūdensceļš ― waterway
- saldūdens, sālsūdens ― freshwater, saltwater
- atmosfēras, augsnes ūdens ― atmospheric, soil water
- artēziskais ūdens ― artesian water
- tējas, kafijas ūdens ― tea, coffe water (i.e., boiled for tea, coffee)
- ūdens saturs šķīdumā ― the water content of a solution
- ūdens lāse, strūkla ― a drop, a spray of water
- ūdens tvaiks ― water vapor
- ūdens krājumi, resursi ― water supplies, resources
- ūdens apgāde ― water supply (system)
- ūdens tek, plūst, pil ― water is leaking, flowing, dripping
- smelt, dzert, attīrīt ūdeni ― to draw, to drink, to purify water
- ūdenī šķīstoša viela ― a substance soluble in water
- mazgāties aukstā ūdenī ― to wash in cold water
- ūdens tilpe, ūdenstilpe ― water body, wetland
- ūdens līmenis ― water level
- virs, zem ūdens ― above, under water
- ūdens nelaime ― sea (lit. water) accident
- ūdens riņķojums dabā ― the cycle of water in nature
- (plural) waters (large amounts, large bodies of water)
- virszemes, sauszemes ūdeņi ― surface, land water (lit. waters)
- pazemes ūdeņi ― groundwater, underground water (lit. waters)
- ārstnieciskie ūdeņi ― healing waters (e.g., at a spa)
- palu ūdeņi ― flood water (lit. waters)
- termālie ūdeņi ― thermal water) (lit. waters)
- (plural) water (a body, bodies of water with a specific use, or belonging to a specific region or country)
- zvejas ūdeņi ― fishing waters
- teritoriālie ūdeņi ― territorial waters
- iekšējie ūdeņi ― internal, inland waters
- starptautiskie ūdeņi ― international waters
- (genitive, used adjectivally) water, aquatic, aqua- (using, relating to water)
- ūdens terapija, diēta ― water therapy, diet
- ūdens dziednīca ― water (health) resort, spa
- ūdens apkure ― water heating
- 'ūdens turbīna ― water turbine
- 'ūdens spainis, sūknis ― water bucket, pump
- ūdens pulkstenis ― water clock
- ūdens šķīdums ― water solution
- ūdens krāns ― water valve
- (genitive, used adjectivally) water, aquatic (relating to bodies of water)
- ūdens transports ― water transport
- ūdenssports ― water sports
- ūdensslēpes ― water skis
- ūdens polo ― water polo
- (genitive, used adjectivally) water, aquatic (which lives, is situated, in or near bodies of water, or in water-rich areas)
- ūdens augi, ūdensaugi ― aquatic plants
- ūdens lilija, ūdens roze, ūdensroze — water lily
- ūdens zāle, ūdenszāle ― seaweed (lit. water weed)
- ūdens dzīvnieki, ūdensdzīvnieki ― aquatic animals
- ūdens putni, ūdensputni ― aquatic birds
- ūdens gliemji, kukaiņi ― aquatic mollusks, insects
- (of cosmetic products) water (a water solution containing also alcohol, oils, herbal extracts)
- sejas ūdens ― face water
- tualetes ūdens ― eau-de-toilette, eau-de-cologne
- (colloquial, of texts, words) watery, uninteresting, boring; empty, meaningless
- ūdens gabals ― piece of water (= contentless, excessively long text)
- tu slauc pareizu pienu, bet, mīļā māt, tavas meitas dzied dziesmas, kam ūdens klāt! ― you milk good milk, but, dear mother, your daughters sing songs that are covered with water
Declension of ūdens (2nd declension)
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “ūdens”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7
- ūdens in some Latvian dictionary at