Definition 2025
See also: γάϊδαρος
γάιδαρος • (gáidaros) m (plural γάιδαροι, feminine γαϊδούρα)
- donkey, ass (Equus africanus asinus)
- (colloquial, derogatory, figuratively) lout, boor, ass, jackass, pig, jerk (an uncultred, ill-bred man)
- Τι γάιδαρος ήταν ο αδελφός της, που δεν μας είπε ούτε ένα «γεια»! ― Ti gáidaros ítan o adelfós tis, pou den mas eípe oúte éna «geia»! ― What a boor her brother was; he didn't even say "hi" to us!
declension of γάιδαρος
Derived terms
- γαϊδαράκος m (gaïdarákos) (diminutive)
- γαϊδουρινός (gaïdourinós, “loutish”)
- γαϊδουριά f (gaïdouriá, “rudeness”)
Related terms
Derived terms
- δένω τον γάιδαρό μου (déno ton gáidaró mou, “to consolidate one's position”) (literally: "to tie one's donkey")
- δυο γάιδαροι μαλώνανε σε ξένον αχυρώνα (dyo gáidaroi malónane se xénon achyróna) (about people who quarrel over stuff that they don't own) (literally: "two donkeys were fighting in a stranger's barn")
- είπε ο γάιδαρος τον πετεινό κεφάλα (eípe o gáidaros ton peteinó kefála, “the pot calling the kettle black”) (literally: "the donkey called the rooster big-headed")
- ήταν στραβό το κλήμα, τό 'φαγε κι ο γάιδαρος (ítan stravó to klíma, tó 'fage ki o gáidaros, “the final nail in the coffin”) (literally: "the vine was crooked, then the donkey ate it")
- κάλλιο γαϊδουρόδενε παρά γαϊδουρογύρευε (kállio gaïdouródene pará gaïdourogýreve, “a stitch in time saves nine”) (literally: "better to tie your donkey up than to be looking for it")
- κάποιου του χαρίζανε γάιδαρο κι αυτός τον κοίταζε στα δόντια (kápoiou tou charízane gáidaro ki aftós ton koítaze sta dóntia) (about nitpickers) (literally: "they were gifting someone a donkey and he/she was looking at its teeth")
- μαντζουράνα στο κατώφλι, γάιδαρος στα κεραμίδια (mantzourána sto katófli, gáidaros sta keramídia) (about illogical things) (literally: "marjoram on the doorstep and donkey on the roof tiles")
- (σιγά) μη στάξει η ουρά του γαϊδάρου (mi stáxei i ourá tou gaïdárou) (about people who pay attention to lesser details when there are more important ones to care about) (literally: "don't let drops of water fall off the donkey's tail")
- παλιός γάιδαρος καινούρια περπατησιά δε μαθαίνει (paliós gáidaros kainoúria perpatisiá de mathaínei, “you can't teach an old dog new tricks”) (literally: "an old donkey doesn't learn a new way of walking")
- σκάω γάιδαρο (skáo gáidaro, “to try someone's patience, to drive someone mad”) (literally: "to burst a donkey")
- φάγαμε τον γάιδαρο, στην ουρά θα σταματήσουμε; (fágame ton gáidaro, stin ourá tha stamatísoume?) (about situations in which the better part of the evil has been done and stopping would be illogical) (literally: "we've eaten the donkey, are we going to stop at the tail?")