Definition 2025
See also: ομό-
Alternative forms
ομο- • (omo-)
- added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that denote something done simultaneously:
- χρόνος (chrónos, “time, year”)
ομόχρονος (omóchronos, “simultaneous”)
- βρόντος (vróntos, “crash, thunder”)
ομοβροντία (omovrontía, “fusillade, volley”)
- χρόνος (chrónos, “time, year”)
- added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that denote something which has the same essence or derivation as another thing; homo-:
- φύλο (fýlo, “gender, sex”)
ομοφυλόφιλος (omofylófilos, “homosexual”)
- λόγος (lógos, “speech, reason”)
ομόλογος (omólogos, “counterpart”)
- είδος (eídos, “kind, type”)
ομοειδής (omoeidís, “uniform”)
- ουσία (ousía, “essence, substance”)
ομοούσιος (omooúsios, “consubstantial”)
- φωνή (foní, “voice”)
ομοφωνία (omofonía, “unanimity”)
- φύλο (fýlo, “gender, sex”)
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Greek_words_prefixed_with_%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%BF-'>Greek words prefixed with ομο-</a>
Category Greek words prefixed with ομό- not found
Category Greek words prefixed with ομ- not found