Definition 2025
глазо́к • (glazók) m inan (genitive глазка́, nominative plural гла́зки, genitive plural гла́зок)
- diminutive of глаз (glaz)
- little eye
- (plural only) goo-goo eyes
- стро́ить гла́зки ― stróitʹ glázki ― make eyes at
Declension of глазо́к (inan masc-form velar-stem accent-d reduc irreg)
Etymology 2
глазо́к • (glazók) m inan (genitive глазка́, nominative plural глазки́, genitive plural глазко́в)
- eye spot, globule
- Глазок жира в супе ― Glazok žira v supe ― A globule of fat on soup.
- (colloquial) reproductive bud on a vegetable
- Картофельный глазок ― Kartofelʹnyj glazok ― Potato eye.
- (horticulture) (in rural areas) kidney-shaped scion cut from a plant and grafted onto rootstock
- (biology) lentigo or pigmented spot (in the coloration of insects, birds, plants); circle or dot in the design on a fabric
- Павлиний глазок на хвосте ― Pavlinij glazok na xvoste ― eye on a peacock’s tailfeather.
- (technical) eyelet for threading the warp on a loom
- eyehole, peephole, spyhole, or optical device for seeing through a wall or door
- Дверной глазок ― Dvernoj glazok ― peephole.
Declension of глазо́к (inan masc-form velar-stem accent-b reduc)