Definition 2025
See also: за and Appendix:Variations of "za"
за- • (za-)
- (used with verbs) behind, beyond
- (used with verbs) begin doing (describing an action of commencing)
- говори́ть ― govorítʹ ― (impf.) to speak
- заговори́ть ― zagovorítʹ ― (pf.) to begin to speak
- (used with verbs) in advance (describing an action of doing something ahead of time)
- гото́вить ― gotóvitʹ ― (impf.) to prepare
- загото́вить ― zagotóvitʹ ― (pf.) to prepare
- (used with verbs) to the finish, to the end (describing a completed result)
- бетони́ровать ― betonírovatʹ ― (impf.) to concrete
- забетони́ровать ― zabetonírovatʹ ― (pf.) to concrete
- по́лнить ― pólnitʹ ― (impf.) to fill (now archaic, not to be confused with полни́ть)
- запо́лнить ― zapólnitʹ ― (pf.) to fill
- верши́ть ― veršítʹ ― (impf.) to manage, control, direct (literary usage)
- заверши́ть ― zaveršítʹ ― (pf.) to finish, complete, accomplish
- заасфальти́ровать ― zaasfalʹtírovatʹ ― to re-surface
- забели́ть ― zabelítʹ ― to whiten
- (used with verbs) (describing an action of covering something, of being covered, or hiding behind something)
- ржа́веть ― ržávetʹ ― (impf.) to become rusty
- заржа́ве́ть ― zaržávétʹ ― (pf.) to become rusty (as an emphasis, by being covered with rust)
- (used with verbs) (describing an intensified or extreme action or an action of doing something up to the point that an object becomes a junk)
- чита́ть ― čitátʹ ― (impf.) to read
- зачита́ть ― začitátʹ ― (pf.) to read (a book, as well as not returning it back; until it becomes all torn apart; simply reading out loud, denoting that the loud voice is a sign of intensified or extreme action)
- засиде́ться ― zasidétʹsja ― (pf.) to sit down, stay for quite a long time (denoting that the long duration of sitting is a sign of intensified or extreme action)
- заду́мать ― zadúmatʹ ― (pf.) to reflect, become lost in thoughts
- (used with verbs) (describing an action that implies the existence of barriers, obstacles, or hinderance)
- баллоти́ровать ― ballotírovatʹ ― (impf.) to vote (for someone)
- забаллоти́ровать ― zaballotírovatʹ ― (pf.) to fail to elect
- держа́ть ― deržátʹ ― (impf.) to hold, keep, support
- задержа́ть ― zaderžátʹ ― (pf.) to detain, delay
- with reflexive -ся, to do with abandonment
- заговори́ться ― zagovorítʹsja ― to spout nonsense; to rattle on; to have a long talk with, forgetting the time
- place names
- Закарпатье ― Zakarpatʹje ― Transcarpathia
- Закавка́зье ― Zakavkázʹje ― Transcaucasia
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_prefixed_with_%D0%B7%D0%B0-'>Russian words prefixed with за-</a>