Definition 2025



See also: за and Appendix:Variations of "za"



за- (za-)

  1. (used with verbs) behind, beyond
    • идти́idtí(impf.) to go
    • зайти́zajtí(pf.) to go behind, to go beyond; to call on
  2. (used with verbs) begin doing (describing an action of commencing)
  3. (used with verbs) in advance (describing an action of doing something ahead of time)
  4. (used with verbs) to the finish, to the end (describing a completed result)
    • бетони́роватьbetonírovatʹ(impf.) to concrete
    • забетони́роватьzabetonírovatʹ(pf.) to concrete
    • по́лнитьpólnitʹ(impf.) to fill (now archaic, not to be confused with полни́ть)
    • запо́лнитьzapólnitʹ(pf.) to fill
    • верши́тьveršítʹ(impf.) to manage, control, direct (literary usage)
    • заверши́тьzaveršítʹ(pf.) to finish, complete, accomplish
    заасфальти́роватьzaasfalʹtírovatʹ ― to re-surface
    забели́тьzabelítʹ ― to whiten
  5. (used with verbs) (describing an action of covering something, of being covered, or hiding behind something)
  6. (used with verbs) (describing an intensified or extreme action or an action of doing something up to the point that an object becomes a junk)
    • чита́тьčitátʹ(impf.) to read
    • зачита́тьzačitátʹ(pf.) to read (a book, as well as not returning it back; until it becomes all torn apart; simply reading out loud, denoting that the loud voice is a sign of intensified or extreme action)
    • засиде́тьсяzasidétʹsja(pf.) to sit down, stay for quite a long time (denoting that the long duration of sitting is a sign of intensified or extreme action)
    • заду́матьzadúmatʹ(pf.) to reflect, become lost in thoughts
  7. (used with verbs) (describing an action that implies the existence of barriers, obstacles, or hinderance)
    • баллоти́роватьballotírovatʹ(impf.) to vote (for someone)
    • забаллоти́роватьzaballotírovatʹ(pf.) to fail to elect
    • держа́тьderžátʹ(impf.) to hold, keep, support
    • задержа́тьzaderžátʹ(pf.) to detain, delay
  8. with reflexive -ся, to do with abandonment
    заговори́тьсяzagovorítʹsja ― to spout nonsense; to rattle on; to have a long talk with, forgetting the time
  9. place names
    ЗакарпатьеZakarpatʹje ― Transcarpathia
    Закавка́зьеZakavkázʹje ― Transcaucasia

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_prefixed_with_%D0%B7%D0%B0-'>Russian words prefixed with за-</a>