Definition 2025



See also: из


Alternative forms


из- (iz-)

  1. out from
    идти́idtí ― to go
    изойти́izojtí ― to emanate, to originate, to come from
  2. when added to a verb, it may form a verb with a sense of completeness, abundance or exhaustion
    укра́ситьukrásitʹ ― to decorate
    изукра́ситьizukrásitʹ ― lavishly decorate
  3. when added to a verb, it may form a verb with a sense of destruction, ruined due to use
    писа́тьpisátʹ ― to write
    исписа́тьispisátʹ ― write upon, cover with notes, write over
  4. when added to nouns, especially when they have the suffix -ье, it indicates location of an object
    голова́golová ― head
    изголо́вьеizgolóvʹje ― head of the bed
  5. when added to adjectives for colours, an adverb is formed indicating nuance
    жёлтыйžóltyj ― yellow
    и́зжелта-бу́рыйízželta-búryj ― yellowish-brown
  6. when added to adjectives, it may form an adverb indicating spatial or temporal properties. Usually in archaic or highly formal style.
    да́льнийdálʹnij ― far, distant
    и́здалиízdali ― from afar
  7. When added to adverbs, it can form an adverb with a sense of direction for an action
    вну́треннийvnútrennij ― interior, inner
    изнутри́iznutrí ― from within, from inside



из- (Latin spelling iz-)

  1. out-
  2. out of
  3. out from