Definition 2025
че • (če)
- (used to introduce a clause that is the subject of a verb) that (or is omitted)
- Че каза "не", не е изненадващо. ― Če kaza "ne", ne e iznenadvašto. ― That he said no is not surprising.
- Не е изненадващо, че каза "не". ― Ne e iznenadvašto, če kaza "ne". ― It's not surprising (that) he said no.
- Че още никой не е дошъл, е странно. ― Če ošte nikoj ne e došǎl, e stranno. ― That nobody has come yet is strange.
- Странно е, че още никой не е дошъл. ― Stranno e, če ošte nikoj ne e došǎl. ― It's strange (that) nobody has come yet.
- (used to introduce a clause that is the object of a verb) that (or is omitted)
- Той каза, че ще дойде. ― Toj kaza, če šte dojde. ― He said (that) he would come.
- Видях, че тръгнаха към реката. ― Vidjah, če trǎgnaha kǎm rekata. ― I saw (that) they headed for the river.
- Чух, че ще се женят. ― Čuh, če šte se ženjat. ― I heard (that) they were getting married.
- (used to introduce a clause that completes or explains the meaning of a previous noun or adjective) that (or is omitted)
- Мисълта, че повече няма да го види, беше непоносима. ― Misǎlta, če poveče njama da go vidi, beše neponosima. ― The thought (that) she would never see him again was unbearable.
- Фактът, че е по-стар от мен, е без значение. ― Faktǎt, če e po-star ot men, e bez značenie. ― The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant.
- Сигурен съм, че е вярно. ― Siguren sǎm, če e vjarno. ― I am certain that it is true.
- Не се съмнявам, че ще го стори. ― Ne se sǎmnjavam, če šte go stori. ― I don’t doubt that he will do it.
- used to introduce a clause that indicates an action taken by the main verb's direct object, translated with the present participle or the bare infinitive
- Видях я, че плаче. ― Vidjah ja, če plače. ― I saw her crying.
- Видях го, че влиза в сградата. ― Vidjah go, če vliza v sgradata. ― I saw him enter the building.
- (colloquial, used to introduce the reason for something) because, for
- Може да закъснея, че имаме гости. ― Može da zakǎsneja, če imame gosti. ― I might be late because we are having guests.
- (used to express a result) that (or is omitted)
- Беше толкова уморена, че не можеше да мисли ясно. ― Beše tolkova umorena, če ne možeše da misli jasno. ― She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight.
- Толкова бързаше, че забрави да си вземе шапката. ― Tolkova bǎrzaše, če zabravi da si vzeme šapkata. ― He was in such a rush (that) he forgot to take his hat.
- (dated, used to join sentences or sentence fragments in chronological order) and
- Заплака, зарида, че на майка си продума. ― Zaplaka, zarida, če na majka si produma. ― He started crying, he started weeping and then he spoke to his mother.
- (colloquial, used to introduce the next part of a story) so, and then
- Изтървах я и тя се счупи. Че като се разкряска, не можеш да си представиш! ― Iztǎrvah ja i tja se sčupi. Če kato se razkrjaska, ne možeš da si predstaviš! ― I dropped and it broke. So/And then you should have heard her shout!
- or (else), otherwise
- Бързай, че ще закъснееш. ― Bǎrzaj, če šte zakǎsneeš. ― Hurry up or you’ll be late.
- Внимавай, че ще си изпатиш! ― Vnimavaj, če šte si izpatiš! ― Watch out/take care or else!
- (used to express surprise) why
- Че тъкмо тази книга ми трябва. ― Če tǎkmo tazi kniga mi trjabva. ― Why, this is the very book I want.
Derived terms
Terms derived from че (če)
че • (če)
- (used in exclamations for emphasis) what
- Ей че гуляй му ударихме! ― Ej če guljaj mu udarihme! ― What a feast we had!
- Че песни, че танци, че какво ли не. ― Če pesni, če tanci, če kakvo li ne. ― There was singing and dancing and what not.
- used in imperative sentences for emphasis
- Че покажи му къщата! ― Če pokaži mu kǎštata! ― Show him the house!
- used to emphasize agreement with someone/something
- Че хубава е, защо не я вземеш? ― Če hubava e, zašto ne ja vzemeš? ― It really is nice, why don't you take it?
- even if
- Че и да съм ходил, защо трябва да ти казвам? ― Če i da sǎm hodil, zašto trjabva da ti kazvam? ― Even if I've been there, why do I have to tell you?