Definition 2025





թափ (tʿapʿ)

  1. sweep; power, might; impetuosity; swing
    թափովtʿapʿov ― with all one's strength; rapidly
    թափ տալtʿapʿ tal ― to shake
  2. Alternative form of թափք (tʿapʿkʿ)


Old Armenian


The sense “bottom” seems to be the original one, which has developed new and unexpected meanings. Ačaṙyan leaves the origin of the word open. J̌ahukyan proposes derivation from Proto-Indo-European *təpʰ-, an ablaut grade without s-mobile of *stepʰ-, a possible by-form of *stebʰ-, *stēbʰ-, *step-, *stēp- (post, pillar, stump; to support; to stomp on). For this root see Pokorny, without the Armenian. Among the cognates note Sanskrit स्थापयति (sthāpayati, to put, to place; to establish), Lithuanian stẽpinti (to fasten), Russian стопа́ (stopá).


թափ (tʿapʿ)

  1. bottom; depth, profound depth, abyss
    ի թափս դժոխոցi tʿapʿs džoxocʿ ― in the depths or ****
    թափ անցանել, ընդ թափ անցանել, զթափ անցանելtʿapʿ ancʿanel, ənd tʿapʿ ancʿanel, ztʿapʿ ancʿanel ― to penetrate, to pierce, to run through, to bore; to thread, to spit
    թափ անկանել, թափ մտանելtʿapʿ ankanel, tʿapʿ mtanel ― to run rapidly, to pass through, or traverse with impetuosity, to enter with violence or impetus
    թափtʿapʿ ― թափ հանել, թափ հասուցանել, ընդ թափ անցուցանել
    թափն ընդ թափնtʿapʿn ənd tʿapʿn ― by piercing, with penetration
  2. (in the plural) sheath, scabbard
  3. sweep; power, might; impetuosity; swing
    զթափ առնուլztʿapʿ aṙnul ― to prepare for an effort, to gather one's self up
    թափ տալtʿapʿ tal ― to hurl, to launch, to fling, to throw
    թափ կրիցtʿapʿ kricʿ ― fit, outbreak, burst of passion
  4. turning, roaming, circulating
    թափ առնուլ, զթափ առեալ շրջելtʿapʿ aṙnul, ztʿapʿ aṙeal šrǰel ― to wander, to roam


Derived terms

