Definition 2025
אֵיזֶה • (éize) m (feminine counterpart אֵיזוֹ)
- What, which; used in forming questions.
- באיזה בית ספר לימדת?
- b'éize beit séfer limád't(a)?
- What school did you teach at?
- עם איזה מהם דיברת?
- 'im éize meihém dibárt(a)?
- Which of them did you talk to?
- באיזה בית ספר לימדת?
- What, which; used in forming interrogative content clauses.
- עוד לא החליטנו איזה סרט נראה הערב.
- 'od lo hekhlátnu éize séret nir'á ha'érev.
- We haven't decided what movie we're going to see tonight.
- אני לא יודע איזה הוא מעדיף – תה, או קפה.
- aní lo yodéa` éize hu ma`adíf – té, o kafé.
- I don't know which he prefers – tea, or coffee.
- עוד לא החליטנו איזה סרט נראה הערב.
- What; used in forming exclamations.
- איזה יופי!
- éize yófi!
- (literally) What beauty! (figuratively) How wonderful!
- איזה יום רע.
- éize yom ra'.
- What a bad day.
- איזה יופי!
Usage notes
- When it introduces a question or interrogative content clause, אֵיזֶה – like its English counterparts – may introduce a noun, or may stand alone. When it introduces an exclamation, it – again like its English counterpart – must introduce a noun, since it and its noun together form the entirety of the clause.
- Properly, the feminine singular is אֵיזוֹ (éizo) (compare זֶה (ze) and זוֹ (zo)); however, in ordinary speech אֵיזֶה is frequently used regardless of gender and number.
See also
- זֶה (ze, “this”)