Definition 2025
ء م ر
ء م ر (ʾ-m-r)
- related to commanding or instructing
Derived terms
- Verbs and verb derivatives
- Form I: أَمَرَ (ʾamara)
- Form II: أَمَّرَ (ʾammara)
- Verbal noun: تَأْمِير (taʾmīr)
- Active participle: مُؤَمِّر (muʾammir)
- Passive participle: مُؤَمَّر (muʾammar)
- Form III: آمَرَ (ʾāmara)
- Verbal noun: مُؤَامَرَة (muʾāmara), إِمَار (ʾimār)
- Active participle: مُؤَامِر (muʾāmir)
- Passive participle: مُؤَامَر (muʾāmar)
- Form V: تَأَمَّرَ (taʾammara)
- Verbal noun: تَأَمُّر (taʾammur)
- Active participle: مُتَأَمِّر (mutaʾammir)
- Passive participle: مُتَأَمَّر (mutaʾammar)
- Form VI: تَآمَرَ (taʾāmara)
- Verbal noun: تَآمُر (taʾāmur)
- Active participle: مُتَآمِر (mutaʾāmir)
- Passive participle: مُتَآمَر (mutaʾāmar)
- Form VIII: اِئْتَمَرَ (iʾtamara), اِيتَمَرَ (ītamara)
- Verbal noun: اِئْتِمَار (iʾtimār), اِيتِمَار (ītimār)
- Active participle: مُؤْتَمِر (muʾtamir)
- Passive participle: مُؤْتَمَر (muʾtamar)
- Nouns
- اِمَّار (immār)
- اِمْرَة (imra)
- أَمَارَة (ʾamāra)
- إِمَارَة (ʾimāra)
- أَمِير (ʾamīr)
- أَمِيرَة (ʾamīra)
- أَمِيرِيّ (ʾamīriyy)
- أَمَّار (ʾammār)
Wehr, Hans (1979), “امر”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, ISBN 0-87950-003-4