Definition 2025





لَفَظَ (lafaẓa) I, non-past يَلْفِظُ‎ (yalfiẓu)

  1. (transitive, with accusative or بِـ (bi-)) to emit
  2. (transitive, with accusative or بِـ (bi-)) to spit out
  3. (transitive, with accusative or بِـ (bi-)) to eject
  4. (transitive, with accusative and مِنْ (min)) to throw out
  5. to speak, enunciate, articulate
  6. (transitive, with accusative or بِـ (bi-)) to pronounce, utter, express, say
Derived terms
  • لَفَظَ ٱلنَّفْسَ ٱلْأَخِيرَ (lafaẓa n-nafsa l-ʾaḵīra, to breathe one's last breath, die)
  • لَفَظَ أَنْفَاسَهُ (lafaẓa ʾanfāsahu, to be in the throes of death, literally to release one's breaths)
  • لَفَظَ رُوحَهُ (lafaẓa rūḥahu, to give up the ghost, literally to release one's spirit)
  • لَفَظَ لَفْظَ ٱلنَّوَاةِ (lafaẓa lafẓa n-nawāti, to brush aside, reject, literally to spit the spitting of a date pit)

Etymology 2

Verbal noun from لَفَظّ (lafaẓẓ), from the root ل ف ظ (l-f-ẓ).


لَفْظ (lafẓ) m (plural أَلْفَاظ (ʾalfāẓ))

  1. expression, term, word
  2. wording, formulation
  3. articulation, enunciation, pronunciation
Derived terms
  • لَفْظًا (lafẓan, verbatim, literally)
  • لَفْظًا وَمَعْنًى (lafẓan wa-maʿnan, in letter and spirit)
  • أَخْطَأَ ٱللَّفْظَ (ʾaḵṭaʾa l-lafẓa, to mispronounce)
  • لَفْظِيّ (lafẓiyy, verbal, literal, pronounced, oral)
  • لَفْظَة (lafẓa, a word, saying)


  • Wehr, Hans (1979), لفظ”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, ISBN 0-87950-003-4