Definition 2025





आर्य (ārya) m (Urdu spelling آریہ)

  1. an Aryan (a speaker of an Indic language; an inhabitant of North India)


आर्य (ārya) (Urdu spelling آریہ)

  1. Aryan



From one of the several Proto-Indo-Iranian *ar- verbal roots; see there for details.

Old Indic ārya- (with long-a, vriddhi-formed Sanskrit ā́rya-) is a cognate of Old Iranian arya- (with short-a, Avestan airya/airiia- and Old Persian ariya-). The term was used as a self-designator by both Indians and Iranians.


आर्य (ā́rya) m

  1. (primary) an Indo-Aryan, i.e. an Ārya-, a self-designator of the peoples of Ancient India who speak Ārya language (ārya-bhāšā-)
    1. a speaker of the language of the Vedas (opposed to अनार्य (an-ārya), दस्यु (dasyu), दास (dāsa))
    2. an inhabitant of आर्यावर्त (āryā.varta)
    3. a member of the ārya.varna.
    4. one who is favourable to the Ārya- people/cause (RV. etc.)
  2. (secondary) a person having the self-ascribed qualities of a speaker of Ārya language
    1. a respectable, honourable, faithful man
    2. one who is faithful to the religion of his country
    3. a man highly esteemed, a respectable, honourable man (Pañcat., Śak. etc.)
    4. in later times name of the first three castes, compare ārya.varna (opposed to शूद्र (śūdra)) (late RV., AV., VS., MBh., Yājñ., Pañcat. etc.)
    5. an arí-, a master, an owner (L.)
    6. an aryamán, a friend (L.)
    7. a वैश्य (vaiśya) (L.)
  3. (from developments in Buddhist/Pali usage)
    1. Buddha
    2. (Buddhism) a man who has thought on the four chief truths of Buddhism and lives accordingly, a Buddhist priest (Pali अय्यो (ayyo), or अरियो (ariyo))
  4. (proper noun) a son of Manu Sāvarṇa (Hariv.)


Masculine a-stem declension of आर्य
Nom. sg. आर्यः (āryaḥ)
Gen. sg. आर्यस्य (āryasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative आर्यः (āryaḥ) आर्यौ (āryau) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Vocative आर्य (ārya) आर्यौ (āryau) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Accusative आर्यम् (āryam) आर्यौ (āryau) आर्यान् (āryān)
Instrumental आर्येण (āryeṇa) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्यैः (āryaiḥ)
Dative आर्याय (āryāya) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्येभ्यः (āryebhyaḥ)
Ablative आर्यात् (āryāt) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्येभ्यः (āryebhyaḥ)
Genitive आर्यस्य (āryasya) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्याणाम् (āryāṇām)
Locative आर्ये (ārye) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्येषु (āryeṣu)


आर्य (ā́rya)

  1. (primary) Indo-Aryan, pertaining to peoples of ancient India who speak Ārya (:= Indo-Aryan) language
    1. pertaining to speakers of the language of the Vedas (opposed to अनार्य (an-ārya), दस्यु (dasyu), दास (dāsa))
    2. pertaining to inhabitants of आर्यावर्त (āryā.varta)
    3. pertaining to members of the ārya.varna
    4. pertaining to worshipers of the gods of the Vedas
  2. (secondary) self-ascribed qualities of a person who speaks (an) Ārya language
    1. respectable, honourable, faithful
    2. faithful to the religion of his country
    3. behaving like an arya-, worthy of one, honourable, respectable, noble (R., Mn., Śak. etc.)
    4. of a good family
    5. excellent
    6. wise
    7. suitable


Masculine a-stem declension of आर्य
Nom. sg. आर्यः (āryaḥ)
Gen. sg. आर्यस्य (āryasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative आर्यः (āryaḥ) आर्यौ (āryau) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Vocative आर्य (ārya) आर्यौ (āryau) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Accusative आर्यम् (āryam) आर्यौ (āryau) आर्यान् (āryān)
Instrumental आर्येण (āryeṇa) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्यैः (āryaiḥ)
Dative आर्याय (āryāya) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्येभ्यः (āryebhyaḥ)
Ablative आर्यात् (āryāt) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्येभ्यः (āryebhyaḥ)
Genitive आर्यस्य (āryasya) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्याणाम् (āryāṇām)
Locative आर्ये (ārye) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्येषु (āryeṣu)
Feminine ā-stem declension of आर्या
Nom. sg. आर्या (āryā)
Gen. sg. आर्यायाः (āryāyāḥ)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative आर्या (āryā) आर्ये (ārye) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Vocative आर्ये (ārye) आर्ये (ārye) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Accusative आर्याम् (āryām) आर्ये (ārye) आर्याः (āryāḥ)
Instrumental आर्यया (āryayā) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्याभिः (āryābhiḥ)
Dative आर्यायै (āryāyai) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्याभ्यः (āryābhyaḥ)
Ablative आर्यायाः (āryāyāḥ) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्याभ्यः (āryābhyaḥ)
Genitive आर्यायाः (āryāyāḥ) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्याणाम् (āryāṇām)
Locative आर्यायाम् (āryāyām) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्यासु (āryāsu)
Neuter a-stem declension of आर्य
Nom. sg. आर्यम् (āryam)
Gen. sg. आर्यस्य (āryasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative आर्यम् (āryam) आर्ये (ārye) आर्याणि (āryāṇi)
Vocative आर्य (ārya) आर्ये (ārye) आर्याणि (āryāṇi)
Accusative आर्यम् (āryam) आर्ये (ārye) आर्याणि (āryāṇi)
Instrumental आर्येण (āryeṇa) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्यैः (āryaiḥ)
Dative आर्या (āryā) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्येभ्यः (āryebhyaḥ)
Ablative आर्यात् (āryāt) आर्याभ्याम् (āryābhyām) आर्येभ्यः (āryebhyaḥ)
Genitive आर्यस्य (āryasya) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्याणाम् (āryāṇām)
Locative आर्ये (ārye) आर्ययोः (āryayoḥ) आर्येषु (āryeṣu)


  • Sir Monier Monier-Williams (1898) A Sanskrit-English dictionary etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 0152