Definition 2025
Old Portuguese
ẽemigo m (plural ẽemigos, feminine ẽemiga, feminine plural ẽemigas)
- enemy (someone who is hostile to)
- 13th century, attributed to Alfonso X of Castile, Cantigas de Santa Maria, E codex, cantiga 19 (facsimile):
- Eſta e como ſanta maria fillou uingança dos treſ caualeirꝯ q̇ mataron ſeu ẽemigo ant o ſeu altar.
- How Holy Mary took vengeance on three knights who killed their enemy before Her altar.
- Eſta e como ſanta maria fillou uingança dos treſ caualeirꝯ q̇ mataron ſeu ẽemigo ant o ſeu altar.
- 13th century, attributed to Alfonso X of Castile, Cantigas de Santa Maria, E codex, cantiga 19 (facsimile):