Definition 2025




デッサン (dessan): a drawing of Raphael, used as a study for creating the Alba Madonna painting.


デッサン (romaji dessan)

  1. a sketch, a line drawing, especially as a study or draft for a later work


  • スケッチ (suketchi)
  • クロッキー (kurokkī)
  • 素描 (そびょう) (sobyō)
  • 下絵 (したえ) (shitae)

Usage notes

  • The terms スケッチ (suketchi), クロッキー (kurokkī), and 素描 (sobyō) refer to a drawing made in a relatively short period of time that roughs in the main points.
  • デッサン (dessan) often refers more specifically to a line drawing intended as a draft or study for a later picture, carving, sculpture, or other artwork.
  • 素描 (sobyō) can also be used more figuratively to describe a rough overview of things in general.
  • 下絵 (shitae, literally under-picture) refers to a draft for a drawing or painting.


デッサンする (transitive, romaji dessan suru)

  1. to sketch or draw something, especially as a study or draft for a later work
    果物 (くだもの)デッサンする
    kudamono o dessan suru
    to draw a sketch of fruit



Usage notes

  • The terms スケッチ (suketchi), クロッキー (kurokkī), and 素描 (sobyō) refer to a drawing made in a relatively short period of time that roughs in the main points.
  • デッサン (dessan) refers more specifically to a line drawing intended as a draft for a later picture, carving, sculpture, or other artwork.
  • 素描 (sobyō) can also be used more figuratively to describe a rough overview of things in general.


  1. 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
  2. 1 2 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, ISBN 4-385-13905-9