Definition 2025
eat; eradicate; destroy; receive; stammer
food; cuisine; cooked rice; meal
trad. (吃飯) | 吃 | 飯 | |
simp. (吃饭) | 吃 | 饭 |
- to eat
- 他很喜歡吃飯。 / 他很喜欢吃饭。 ― Tā hěn xǐhuān chīfàn. ― He loves to eat.
- 你吃飯了嗎? / 你吃饭了吗? ― Nǐ chīfàn le ma? ― Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
- 你吃過飯嗎? / 你吃过饭吗? ― Nǐ chī guò fàn ma? ― Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
- 你吃飯了沒有? / 你吃饭了没有? ― Nǐ chīfàn le méiyǒu? ― Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
- 儂飯吃過了𠲎? [Shanghainese, trad.]
- 侬饭吃过了𠲎? [Shanghainese, simp.]
- Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
- to have a meal
- (dated) to make a living
- 你靠什麼吃飯? / 你靠什么吃饭? ― Nǐ kào shénme chīfàn? ― What do you do for a living?
- 我現在失業,除了交房租,還要吃飯啊,壓力大啊。 [MSC, trad.]
- 我现在失业,除了交房租,还要吃饭啊,压力大啊。 [MSC, simp.]
- Wǒ xiànzài shīyè, chúle jiāo fángzū, hái yào chīfàn a, yālì dà a. [Pinyin]
- I'm out of work at the moment. Apart from paying rent I also have to make a living; it's very stressful.
Usage notes
Chinese use the sentence 你吃飯了嗎? (Have you eaten?) as a greeting. Its function is equivalent to How’s it going? or How are you? in English.
See also
- 喝 (hē)