Definition 2025





보다 (boda) (infinitive or 보아, sequential 보니)

  1. to see, look at
  2. to look after (a baby, child, house, etc.)
    아이를 보다ai-reul boda ― to look after a child
  3. to watch (a film, TV, etc.)
    영화를 보다yeonghwa-reul boda ― to watch a film
  4. to read (a book, newspaper, etc.)
  5. to examine (a document, patient, disorder, etc.)
  6. to take (an examination)
    시험을 잘 보면 좋겠습니다.
    Siheom-eul jal bomyeon joketseumnida.
    I hope to do well on the test. (literally: It will be good if I take the test well.)
  7. to experience (a profit, loss, etc.)
  8. to relieve oneself
  9. to try something; requires a main verb with "-아/어" suffix or use attributively with "적".
    한번 생각해 볼게요.
    Hanbeon saenggakhae bolgeyo.
    I will consider it. (Literally, "I will try thinking about it.")
    한국에 가 적이 있어요?
    Han-gug-e ga bon jeog-i isseoyo?
    Have you ever been to (South) Korea?

Usage notes

Note: it doesn't mean "to try hard" (e.g., "I tried to pass the exam."). For that, you can use "-려(고) 하다" or "-려고 노력하다". Compare Japanese 見る.


Derived terms

Related terms


보다 (boda)

  1. more
    • 보다 열심히boda yeolsimhimore enthusiatically
  2. rather


보다 (boda)

  1. than, rather than
    • 지리산보다 한라산이 더 높다.
      Jirisanboda hallasani deo nopda.
      Mount Halla is taller than Mount Jiri.
    • 어제보다 오늘이 손님이 더 많다.
      Eojeboda oneuri sonnimi deo manta.
      There are more customers today than yesterday.