Definition 2025






  1. First-person singular possessive suffix denoting singular possession in words ending in a consonant.
    saç - saçımız
    hair - our hair
    kız - kızımız
    daughter - our daughter

Usage notes

  • If the noun ends in a vowel, it becomes "-mız" (for the possession suffix)
    araba - arabamız
  • It's used only when the word's last vowel is "a" or "ı". It may change into "-imiz", "-umuz" and "-ümüz" according to the last vowel of the word. (possession suffix)
    ev - evimiz (the last vowel is "e" or "i")
    yol - yolumuz (the last vowel is "o" or "u")
    yüz - yüzümüz (the last vowel is "ö" or "ü")
  • If the word ends in "p", "ç", "t" or "k", it may change them into "b", "c", "d" and "ğ".
    kitap - kitabımız"
    ağaç - ağacımız
    kanat - kanadımız
    kulak - kulağımız
  • It may cause the last vowel of the word dropped.
    karın - karnımız"
  • It must be used with an apostrophe if it's appended to a proper noun.
    Barış - Barış'ımız