Definition 2025




Alternative forms

  • -ово́й (-ovój) (stressed ending)
  • -ево́й (-evój) (stressed ending, after a palatal consonant)


-овый or -о́вый (-ovyj or -óvyj)

  1. Used to form adjectives from nouns, often attributive.
    пла́стик (plástik, plastic)пла́стиковый (plástikovyj, plastic)
    ба́за (báza, base)ба́зовый (bázovyj, base, basic)
    сосна́ (sosná, pine)сосно́вый (sosnóvyj, pine (attributive))
    кулачо́к (kulačók, cam)кулачко́вый (kulačkóvyj, cam (attributive))


Usage notes

The suffix is added to the stem (i.e. without final vowels, as in ба́з- and сосн- above, and without epenthetic vowels, as in кулачк- above). The stress of the base form is preserved. If the stress of the base is on a lost vowel, it is transferred to the suffix.

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_suffixed_with_-%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9'>Russian words suffixed with -овый</a>