Definition 2025
Alternative forms
- -ивать (-ivatʹ)
-ывать • (-yvatʹ)
- Used to form imperfective verbs from prefixed perfective verbs.
- отде́лать pf (otdélatʹ) → отде́лывать impf (otdélyvatʹ)
- записа́ть pf (zapisátʹ) → запи́сывать impf (zapísyvatʹ)
- срабо́тать pf (srabótatʹ) → сраба́тывать impf (srabátyvatʹ)
- опроки́нуть pf (oprokínutʹ) → опроки́дывать impf (oprokídyvatʹ)
- обхвати́ть pf (obxvatítʹ) → обхва́тывать impf (obxvátyvatʹ)
- заката́ть pf (zakatátʹ) → зака́тывать impf (zakátyvatʹ)
- закати́ть pf (zakatítʹ) → зака́тывать impf (zakátyvatʹ)
- Used for form frequentative verbs from non-prefixed verbs.
Usage notes
The frequentative and imperfectivizing suffixes are etymologically the same. The suffixes are used with verbs in -ать (-atʹ) and -нуть (-nutʹ) (in the latter case, the underlying root reappears, which may involve an extra consonant that was lost before the -н- of the verbal suffix). They are also used with some verbs in -ить (-itʹ). The spelling variant -ивать (-ivatʹ) is used instead with verbs that end in root-final velars (к г х) and hushing consonants (ш ж ч щ). The stress is drawn onto the syllable before the prefix, and an о in that syllable usually changes into а.
Related terms
- -ва́ть (-vátʹ)