Definition 2025



See also: alit, álit, alīt, and Âlît

Northern Sami


-alit (with odd-syllable stems -allat)

  1. Forms reciprocal verbs.
    oaidnit (to see) + -alitoaidnalit (to see each other)
  2. Forms momentane verbs.
    bávkit (to bang repeatedly) + -alitbávkalit (to bang once)
  3. Forms frequentative verbs.
    báhčit (to shoot) + -alitbáhčalit (to shoot around)
  4. Forms verbs indicating an attempt at something.
    boktit (to wake up (someone)) + -alitboktalit (to try to wake up (someone))

Usage notes

This suffix triggers the strong grade on a preceding stressed syllable.


Odd, no gradation
infinitive -alit
1st sing. present -alan
1st sing. past -alin
infinitive -alit
present participle -aleaddji
past participle -alan
verbal noun -aleapmi
present indicative past indicative imperative
1st singular -alan -alin
2nd singular -alat -alit
3rd singular -ala -alii -alehkos
1st dual -aletne -aleimme -aleadnu
2nd dual -aleahppi -aleidde -aleahkki
3rd dual -aleaba -aleigga -alehkoska
1st plural -alit
-aleimmet -alehkot
2nd plural -alehpet -aleiddet -alehket
3rd plural -alit -ale
connegative -al -alan -al
conditional 1 conditional 2 potential
1st singular -alivččen -aleaččan
2nd singular -alivččet -aleaččat
3rd singular -alivččii -aleš
1st dual -alivččiime -aležže
2nd dual -alivččiide -aleažžabeahtti
3rd dual -alivččiiga -aleažžaba
1st plural -alivččiimet -aleažžat
2nd plural -alivččiidet -aleažžabehtet
3rd plural -alivčče -aležžet
connegative -alivčče -aleš

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Northern_Sami_words_suffixed_with_-alit'>Northern Sami words suffixed with -alit</a>