Definition 2025



See also: eiro


Alternative forms


-eiro m (feminine -eira, plural -eiros, feminine plural -eiras)

  1. forms nouns from nouns or verbs, denoting someone who works with the suffixed noun or engages in the suffixed verb; -er; -eer
    cozinha (kitchen) + -eirocozinheiro (cook)
    aventura (adventure) + -eiroaventureiro (adventurer)
    companhia (company) + -eirocompanheiro (companion)
  2. forms nouns, from nouns denoting a location or type of location, meaning “someone from the location” and adjectives meaning “of, from or related to the location”
    Brasil (Brazil) + -eirobrasileiro (Brazilian)
    costa (coast) + -eirocosteiro (of the coast; someone who lives by the coast)
  3. forms nouns from the names of fruits or other plant products, denoting the plant bearing them, usually trees and shrubs
    pêssego (peach fruit) + -eiropessegueiro (peach tree)
    rosa (rose) + -eiraroseira (rosebush)
  4. (usually feminine) forms nouns, from nouns or adjectives, denoting a state, property or quality of being the suffixed adjective or having the suffixed noun; -ity, -ness
    sujo (filthy) + -eirasujeira (filth)
    besta (foolish) + -eirabesteira (foolery)
    nojo (disgust) + -eiranojeira (something disgusting)
  5. forms nouns, from nouns, denoting a place where there is plenty of the suffixed noun
    lama (mud) + -eirolameiro (place with a lot of mud)
  6. forms nouns, from verbs, denoting a place where the suffixed verb is likely to occur
    atolar (to bog down) + -eiroatoleiro (place where vehicles bog down frequently)
  7. forms the names of trees, often synonyms
    carvalho (oak) + -eiracarvalheira (English oak)
    azinho (holm oak) + -eiraazinheira (holm oak)
    pinho (pine tree) + -eiropinheiro (pine tree)
  8. forms nouns from nouns, denoting a container for the suffixed noun
    lápis (pencil) + -eirolapiseiro (pencil case)
    sal (salt) + -eirosaleiro (salt cellar)
  9. forms adjectives meaning “which transports the suffixed noun”, and nouns meaning “a ship which transports the suffixed noun”
    carga (cargo; load) + -eirocargueiro (which transports cargo)
    navio (ship) + negro (black person) + -eironavio-negreiro (slave ship)
    petróleo (petroleum) + -eiropetroleiro (oil tanker)
  10. forms nouns, from the name of a drug, denoting someone who is addicted to the drug; -head
    maconha (marijuana) + -eiromaconheiro (stoner; pothead)
  11. forms nouns and adjectives, from nouns, denoting a fan of the suffixed noun
    metal (heavy metal) + -eirometaleiro (metalhead)
    novela (soap opera) + -eironoveleiro (fan of soap operas)


  • (someone who works with something): -ário, -dor, -ista
  • (plant which bears something): pé-de-
  • (state, property or quality): -ice, -ície, -eza
  • (place with plenty of something): -al
  • (place where something occurs): -douro
  • (of a location): -ano, -ão, -ense, -ês, -iço

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