Definition 2025



See also: heit


Alternative forms


-heit f (plural -heiten)

  1. Converts an adjective into a noun and usually denotes an abstract quality of the adjectival root. It is often equivalent to the English suffixes -ty and -ness:
    schön (beautiful)Schönheit (beauty)
    neu (new)Neuheit (novelty)
  2. Converts concrete nouns into abstract nouns:
    Kind (child)Kindheit (childhood)
    Christ (Christian)Christenheit (Christendom)

Usage notes

  • While -heit is the normal form of this suffix, it becomes -keit after certain adjectival suffixes. These are -bar, -ig, -isch, -lich, -sam. For example: nützlich (useful)Nützlichkeit (utility).
  • Adjectives ending in -el and -er behave irregularly: eitel (vain)Eitelkeit (vanity); but: dunkel (dark)Dunkelheit (darkness).
  • Sometimes -ig- is added to the adjective and the suffix thus becomes -keit: müde (tired)Müdigkeit (tiredness). This is the general rule with adjectives in -haft and -los: fehlerhaft (faulty)Fehlerhaftigkeit (faultiness).

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:German_words_suffixed_with_-heit'>German words suffixed with -heit</a>


  1. “-heit” in: Friedrich Kluge, “Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache” , 22. Auflage, 1989, bearbeitet von Elmar Seebold, ISBN 3-11-006800-1.

See also