Definition 2025



See also: né-




  1. Mrs, wife of (suffix indicating marriage)
    Kovács - Mrs. Kovács
    király (king)király (queen consort)

Usage notes

  • Final a changes to á:
Kovács Béla → Kovács Béláné (Mrs. Béla Kovács)
  • Final e changes to é:
Kovács Endre → Kovács Endréné (Mrs. Endre Kovács)

Derived terms

<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Hungarian_words_suffixed_with_-n%C3%A9'>Hungarian words suffixed with -né</a>



  1. (personal suffix) Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation).
    kér (to ask)Nem kér, ha nem volna szüksége rá. - He would not request it if he did not need it.

Usage notes

  • (personal suffix) Harmonic variants:
    -ná is added to most back vowel verbs
    vár (to wait)Az ember azt vár egy gyerektől, hogy tanuljon. - One would expect from a child to study.
    -né is added to most front vowel verbs
    kér (to ask)Nem kér, ha nem volna szüksége rá. - He would not request it if he did not need it.
    -aná is added to back vowel verbs ending in two consonants or in a long vowel + t (exceptions áll, száll, varr, forr, lát)
    mond (to say something)Nem mondaná, ha nem lenne igaz. - She would not say it if it weren't true.
    tanít (to teach)Ki tanítaná ott őt angolra? - Who would teach him there English?
    -ené is added to front vowel verbs ending in two consonants or in a long vowel + t
    fest (to paint)Péter milyen színűre festené ezt a szobát? - What color would Péter paint this room?
    segít (to help) → A város hogyan segítené őket? - How would the city help them?

See also

  • Category:Hungarian verb forms
  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes