Definition 2025
- used when an entire word, rather than the word’s stem, is connected to a suffix that begins with a vowel
- jacaré + -z- + -inho → jacarezinho
- coração + -z- + -inho → coraçãozinho
Usage notes
Situations where the whole word, rather than the stem, is suffixed include:
- words ending in a stressed vowel: jacaré → jacarezinho; só → sozinho; baú → bauzinho
- words ending in a nasal vowel or diphthong: coração → coraçãozinho; mãe → mãezona; um → unzão. However, these are often handled differently:
- especially in more formal words, and especially those containing the suffix -ção, the interfix -n- is used instead, and an etymological stem is used: canção → cancioneiro, mão → manusca
- especially in words inherited from Old Portuguese, the word is denasalised and the etymological vowel is used: bênção → abençoar
- rarely, the consonant of the diphthong is lost: mãe → mãinha
- words ending in R or L usually take this interfix, but occasionally the suffix is attached to the word directly: par → parzinho, mel → melzinho but mar → marola, sal → saleiro
- words ending in a diphthong: pau → pauzinho. Sometimes an etymological stem is used: pau → palito
- words ending in a hiatus (usually): incêndio → incendiozinho.
- very rarely, words ending in an unstressed, oral vowel: casa → casazinha