...(the nerve-knot behind the centre of the eyebrows) leading the aspirant to the heart centre through the Amrita Nadi.
1979, G. V. Subbaramayya, Sri Ramana Reminiscences, page 101,
Nadi or Amrita Nadi.
1996, David Frawley, Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: spiritual secrets of Ayurda, page 173,
It is called Amrita Nadi, the "immortal channel," or Atma Nadi, "the channel of the Self."
2005, Christian Von Nidda, Our Secret Planet, page 90,
From the nasal cavity the white elixer passes down a secret channel called amrita-nadi and is then distributed throughout the body, with the majority ending up in the brain.
Literally ""river of immortality"", from Sanskritअमृत(a-mṛ́ta, “immortal”) + नदी(nadī́, “river”).