Definition 2025



See also: साथ and साथी



स्था (√sthā) (class 1 root)

  1. cl.1 P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 30) तिष्ठति, °ते (pf. तस्थौ, तस्थे RV. etc. ; aor. अस्थात्, अस्थित ib. ; 3. pl. अस्थिरन् RV. AV. Br. ; आस्थत् [?] AV. ; अस्थिषि, °षत Br. etc. ; Subj. स्थाति, स्थाथः RV. ; Prec. स्थेयात् ib. ; स्थेषम्, °षुः [?] AV. ; स्थासीष्ट Gr. ; fut. स्थाता MBh. etc. ; स्थास्यति, °ते Br. etc. ; inf. स्थातुम् ib. ; °तोस् Br. GṛṠrS. ; -स्थितुम् R. ; ind.p. स्थित्वा MBh. etc. ; -स्थाय RV. etc. ; -स्थायम् Bhaṭṭ.), to stand, stand firmly, station one's self, stand upon, get upon, take up a position on (with पादाभ्याम्, ‘to stand on the feet’ ; with जानुभ्याम्, ‘to kneel’ ; with अग्रे or अग्रतस् and gen., ‘to stand or present one's self before’ ; with पुरस् and with or without gen., ‘to stand up against an enemy etc.’).
  2. to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action (e.g. with कन्या, ‘to remain a girl or unmarried’ ; with तूष्णीम् or with मौनेन instr. ‘to remain silent’ ; with सुखम्, ‘to continue or feel well’).
  3. to remain occupied or engaged in, be intent upon, make a practice of, keep on, persevere in any act (with loc. ; e.g. with राज्ये, ‘to continue governing’ ; with शासने, ‘to practise obedience’ ; with बले, ‘to exercise power’ ; with स्व-धर्मे, ‘to do one's duty’ ; with स्व-कर्मणि, ‘to keep to one's own business’ ; with संशये, ‘to persist in doubting’ ; also with ind.p. e.g. धर्मम् आश्रित्य, ‘to practise virtue’).
  4. to continue to be or exist (as opp. to ‘perish’), endure, last.
  5. to be, exist, be present, be obtainable or at hand.
  6. to be with or at the disposal of, belong to (dat. gen., or loc.).
  7. (Ā. mc. also P. compare Pāṇ. 1-3, 23 ; iv, 34) to stand by, abide by, be near to, be on the side of, adhere or submit to, acquiesce in, serve, obey (loc. or dat.).
  8. to stand still, stay quiet, remain stationary, stop, halt, wait, tarry, linger, hesitate (» under स्थित्वा below).
  9. to behave or conduct one's self (with समम्, ‘to behave equally towards any one’ loc.)
  10. to be directed to or fixed on (loc.).
  11. to be founded or rest or depend on, be contained in (loc.).
  12. to rely on, confide in (loc. e.g. मयि स्थित्वा, ‘confiding in me’).
  13. to stay at, resort to (acc.).
  14. to arise from (abl. or gen.).
  15. to desist or cease from (abl.).
  16. to remain unnoticed (as of no importance), be left alone (only Impv. and Pot.) Kāv. Pañcat. : Pass. स्थीयते (aor. अस्थायि), to be stood etc. (frequently used impers. e.g. मया स्थीयताम्, ‘let it be abided by me’ i.e. ‘I must abide’) Br. etc. etc.: Caus. स्थापयति, °ते (aor. अतिष्ठिपत् ; ind.p. स्थापयित्वा [q.v.] and -स्थापम्: Pass. स्थाप्यते), to cause to stand, place, locate, set, lay, fix, station, establish, found, institute.
  17. to set up, erect, raise, build.
  18. to cause to continue, make durable, strengthen, confirm.
  19. to prop up, support, maintain.
  20. to affirm, assent.
  21. to appoint (to any office loc.).
  22. to cause to be, constitute, make, appoint or employ as (two acc. ; with धात्रीम्, ‘to employ any one as a nurse’ ; with रक्षार्थम्, ‘to appoint any one as guardian’ ; with सज्जम्, ‘to make anything ready’ ; with सु-रक्षितम्, ‘to keep anything well guarded’ ; with स्वीकृत्य, ‘to make anything one's own’ ; with परिशेषम्, ‘to leave anything over or remaining’).
  23. to fix, settle, determine, resolve.
  24. to fix in or on, lead or bring into, direct or turn towards (loc., rarely acc. ; with हृदि, ‘to impress on the heart’ ; with मनस्, ‘to fix the mind on’).
  25. to introduce or initiate into, instruct in (loc. e.g. with नये, ‘to instruct in a plan or system’).
  26. to make over or deliver up to (loc. or हस्ते with gen., ‘into the hands of’).
  27. to give in marriage.
  28. to cause to stand still, stop, arrest, check, hold, keep in, restrain (with बद्ध्वा, ‘to keep bound or imprisoned’).
  29. to place aside, keep, save, preserve MBh. Hariv. : Desid. of Caus. -स्थापयिषति (» सं-√स्था): Desid. तिष्ठासति, to wish to stand etc. ṠBr. : Intens. तेष्ठीयते
  30. तास्थेति, तास्थाति Gr. ([compare Gk. ἱ-στάναι ; Lat. stare ; Lith. sto4ti ; Slav. stati ; Germ. sta7n, stehen ; Eng. stand.])

Derived terms


  • Monier William's Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 2nd Ed. 1899.