Definition 2025




Proper noun

Bondverse (uncountable)

  1. (fandom slang) The fictional universe which serves as the setting for the James Bond novels and films.
    • 2002 April 24, Eric Tolle, “Re: Spycraft (full): d20 with spies just ain't spies?”, in, Usenet:
      But he's _comparatively_ much better then[sic] the rest of the agents out there (which says a lot about the spy community in the Bondverse).
    • 2003 January 13, Sea Wasp [username], “Re: Babelicious Actresses (WAS Hairy Numenoreans)”, in rec.arts.sf.written, Usenet:
      The only thing fantastic about the one in the Bondverse was that they didn't show you the specifics of how it was going to gather all that light in, and the amazing control and specificity of it.
    • 2005 March 29, John Harkness, “Re: best bond girl?”, in rec.arts.movies.past-films, Usenet:
      Completely perverse of me, but I adore Denise Richards in TWINE -- in the Bondverse, of course Denise Richards is a nuclear scientist.