Webster 1913 Edition
, Noun.
a hanging lamp, an earthen pot for melting metals (cf. OF. croisel
, creuseul
, sort of lamp, crucible, F. creuset
crucible), prob. of German origin; cf. OHG. krūsul
, LG. krüsel
, hanging lamp, kroos
, kruus
, mug, jug, jar, D. kroes
cup, crucible, Dan. kruus
, Sw. krus
, E. cruse
. It was confused with derivatives of L. crux
cross (cf. Crosslet
), and crucibles were said to have been marked with a cross, to prevent the devil from marring the chemical operation. See Cruse
, and cf. Cresset
.] 1.
A vessel or melting pot, composed of some very refractory substance, as clay, graphite, platinum, and used for melting and calcining substances which require a strong degree of heat, as metals, ores, etc.
A hollow place at the bottom of a furnace, to receive the melted metal.
A test of the most decisive kind; a severe trial;
as, the
. crucible
of afflictionHessian crucible
, a cheap, brittle, and fragile, but very refractory crucible, composed of the finest fire clay and sand, and commonly used for a single heating; – named from the place of manufacture.
Webster 1828 Edition
A chemical vessel or melting pot, made of earth, and so tempered and baked, as to endure extreme heat without melting. It is used for melting ores, metals, &c.2.
A hollow place at the bottom of a chemical furnace.Definition 2025
crucible (plural crucibles)
- (chemistry) A cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment used to contain chemical compounds when heating them to very high temperatures.
- A heat-resistant container in which metals are melted, usually at temperatures above 500°C, commonly made of graphite with clay as a binder.
- The bottom and hottest part of a blast furnace; the hearth.
- A very difficult and trying experience, that acts as a refining or hardening process.
cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment
heat-resistant container in which metals are melted
difficult and trying experience