Webster 1828 Edition



A bed used for idleness, indulgence, or rest during the day.
DA'YBOOK, n. A journal of accounts; a book in which are recorded the debts and credits or accounts of the day.
DA'YBREAK, n. The dawn or first appearance of light in the morning.
DA'YCOAL, n. A name given by miners to the upper stratum of coal.
DA'YDREAM, n. A vision to the waking senses.
DA'YFLOWER, n. A genus of plants, the Commelina.
DA'YFLY, n. A genus of insects that live one day only, or a very short time called Ephemera. The species are numerous, some of which live scarcely an hour, others, several days.
DA'YLABOR, n. Labor hired or performed by the day.
DAYLABORER, n. One who works by the day.
DAY'LIGHT, n. The light of the day; the light of the sun, as opposed to that of the moon or of a lamp or candle.
DA'YLILY, n. The same with asphodel. A species of Hemerocallis.
DA'YLY, a. The more regular orthography of daily.
DA'YSMAN, n. An umpire or arbiter; a mediator.

Definition 2025



See also: day bed



daybed (plural daybeds)

  1. A couch that can be used as a sofa by day and a bed by night.
  2. Long chair for reclining.
