Webster 1913 Edition
. [OF.
, embascée
, LL. ambasciata
, fr. ambasciare
for ambactiare
to go on a mission, fr. L. ambactus
vassal, dependent, of Celtic or German origin; cf. W. amaeth
husbandman, Goth. andbahts
servant, G. amt
office, OHG. ambaht
. Cf. Ambassador
.] 1.
The public function of an ambassador; the charge or business intrusted to an ambassador or to envoys; a public message to; foreign court concerning state affairs; hence, any solemn message.
He sends the angels on
with his decrees. Jer. Taylor.
The person or persons sent as ambassadors or envoys; the ambassador and his suite; envoys.
The residence or office of an ambassador.
☞ Sometimes, but rarely, spelled ambassy.
Webster 1828 Edition
, n.1.
The message or public function of an embassador; the charge or employment of a public minister, whether ambassador or envoy; the word signifies the message or commission itself, and the person or persons sent to convey or to execute it. We say the king sent an embassy, meaning an envoy,minister, or ministers; or the king sent a person on an embassy. The embassy consisted of three envoys. The embassy was instructed to inquire concerning the king's disposition.2.
A solemn message.Eighteen centuries ago, the gospel went forth from Jerusalem on an embassy of mingled authority and love.
Ironically, an errand.[The old orthography, ambassade, ambassage, being obsolete, and embassy established, I have rendered the orthography of embassador conformable to it in the initial letter.]
Definition 2025
embassy (plural embassies)
- The function or duty of an ambassador.
- An organization or group of officials who permanently represent a sovereign state in a second sovereign state or with respect to an international organization such as the United Nations.
- The American embassy to France is located in Paris.
- A temporary mission representing a sovereign state.
- The Japanese embassy to the United States traveled to Washington, D.C., where it was received by James Buchanan, before continuing on to New York and then returning to Japan, making several stops on the way.
- The official residence of such a group, or of an ambassador.
Usage notes
Today the term embassy generally refers to a permanent organization, housed in a permanent building or offices, maintaining ties between nations. In the past, this was more often a temporary mission (as in Japanese Embassy to the United States (1860)) – the delegation would return home following meetings with foreign officials – and this is reflected in some traditional usages and related diplomatic terms, such as Head of Mission.
Related terms
organization representing a foreign state