Definition 2025



See also: hydronym



Hydronym n

  1. hydronym (name of a body of water)


  • Gewässername

Derived terms

  • Hydronomie



See also: Hydronym


A view of the Nile, the longest river in the world


hydronym (plural hydronyms)

  1. (onomastics) The name of a river, lake, sea or any other body of water.
    • 1995, Thomas V. Gamkrelidze; Vjačeslav V. Ivanov; Johanna Nichols, transl., “Proto-Indo-European in Space and Time, Based on Linguistic and Culture-historical Data [part 2, chapter 11]”, in Werner Winter, editor, Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans: A Reconstruction and Historical Analysis of a Proto-Language and Proto-Culture (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs; 80), Berlin; New York, N.Y.: Mouton de Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-11-009646-0, page 760:
      Numerous hydronyms of Asia Minor, attested in the historical Anatolian languages and going back to Proto-Anatolian, can be compared to the Indo-European derivational type of hydronyms in *-nth-. [] Another hydronym of Proto-Anatolian origin and having wide Indo-European connections is Alda, a river in Asia Minor []
    • 2000, Dirk Boutan; Maarten Kossmann, “On the Etymology of Dutch Zijpe”, in Dirk Boutkan and Arend Quak, editors, Language Contact: Substratum, Superstratum, Adstratum in Germanic Languages (Amsterdamer Beiträge Zur Älteren Germanistik; 54), Amsterdam: Rodopi, ISBN 978-90-420-1454-1, page 31:
      Dutch Zijpe, Zijp (and regional variants) is found in toponyms, e.g. the poulder De/Het Zijpe in the province of North-Holland, the name of the castle Sijpestein (Nieuw-Loosdrecht), [] We are dealing with an old hydronym.
    • 2012, Juha Janhunen, “Etymological and Ethnohistorical Aspects of the Yenesei”, in Marek Stachowski, editor, Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, volume 17, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, ISBN 978-83-233-3358-6, ISSN 1427-8219, page 73:
      Considering the fact that the Yeneseic languages are historically spoken along almost the entire length of the Yenesei from the Minusinsk basin to the Arctic zone it is curious that no Common Yeneseic name for the river seems to have been preserved in the linguistic material. [] A hydronym that possibly belongs to this context is Kezes, which has been derived from Ket (*)qä-ses 'large water' []
    • 2016, Svante Strandberg, “River Names”, in Carole Hough and Daria Izdebska, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-965643-1, page 105:
      A river name is a hydronym, a name of a body of water. The whole stock of hydronyms in a district, territory, country, or the like is called its hydronymy.

Derived terms
