Definition 2025


K@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp Nod

American Sign Language

Alternative forms

  • (in various locations, depending on the location of the non-first-person referent):
    • K@NearLeft3Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
    • K@NearLeft2Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
    • K@NearLeft1Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
    • K@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp Nod
    • K@NearRight1Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
    • K@NearRight2Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
    • K@NearRight3Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
  • (with the "V" handshape) V@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmAcross Sidetoside


  • This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the dominant hand in the “K” handshape within a few inches of the chest, in between the signer's chest and that of the other referent, the index finger pointing to chest of the other referent, palm up.
    2. Rock the hand back and forth so that the middle finger points back to the signer.


Upload png, jpg, or gif image. (ASL gloss: THE-TWO-OF-US)

  1. the two of us; we two; us two; he and I; she and I; you and I; him and me; her and me; you and me

Related terms

See also