Definition 2025
K@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp Nod
American Sign Language
Alternative forms
- (in various locations, depending on the location of the non-first-person referent):
- K@NearLeft3Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- K@NearLeft2Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- K@NearLeft1Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- K@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- K@NearRight1Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- K@NearRight2Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- K@NearRight3Chesthigh-PalmUp Nod
- (with the "V" handshape) V@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmAcross Sidetoside
- This one-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
- Posture the dominant hand in the “K” handshape within a few inches of the chest, in between the signer's chest and that of the other referent, the index finger pointing to chest of the other referent, palm up.
- Rock the hand back and forth so that the middle finger points back to the signer.
Upload png, jpg, or gif image. (ASL gloss: THE-TWO-OF-US)
Related terms
- K@CenterChesthigh-PalmAcross Nod (“the two of them, the two of you”)
- 1@Sternum-FingerBack (“me”)
- 1@InsideChesthigh-RadialUp (“you, him, her, it”)
- 3@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp CirclesHoriz (“the three of us”)
- 4@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp CirclesHoriz (“the four of us”)
- 5@NearCenterChesthigh-PalmUp CirclesHoriz (“the five of us”)