Definition 2025
Kevorkianesque (comparative more Kevorkianesque, superlative most Kevorkianesque)
- Reminiscent of the beliefs or activities of Jacob "Jack" Kevorkian (1928–2011), American euthanasia activist.
- 2000, Newsweek
- Networks continue their suicidal ways, serving up this "flash in the pan" dreck, and your attention to it is nothing less than Kevorkianesque.
- 2007, Michael Shermer, The Mind of the Market
- Lethal injection or some other Kevorkianesque technique? That would be illegal.
- 2010, Jim Butcher, Changes
- “It's a Kevorkianesque cry for help.”
- 2012, Jane Heller, You'd Better Not Die Or I'll Kill You
- My then-boyfriend-now-husband scared the **** out of me that day in 1991, both because he wasn't the type to wail and because he was suggesting that I do something pretty Kevorkianesque.
- 2000, Newsweek