Webster 1913 Edition



[L., fr. Gr.
The south wind.

Webster 1828 Edition



[L.] The south wind.

Definition 2025



See also: notus


Proper noun


  1. A city/town in Idaho.



See also: Notus




  1. conditional of noti



Perfect passive participle of nōscō (know).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈnoː.tus/, [ˈnoː.tʊs]


nōtus m (feminine nōta, neuter nōtum); first/second declension

  1. known, recognized, acquainted with, having been recognized
  2. known, experienced, having been experienced
  3. known, learned, understood, having been known
  4. familiar, customary, known
    • c. 37 BCE – 30 BCE, Virgil, Georgicon 4.265
      [] ultro / hortantem et fessas ad pabula nota vocantem
      [] freely / calling them and exhorting the weary insects to eat their familiar food.
  5. widely known, famous, well-known; notorious


First/second declension.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
nominative nōtus nōta nōtum nōtī nōtae nōta
genitive nōtī nōtae nōtī nōtōrum nōtārum nōtōrum
dative nōtō nōtō nōtīs
accusative nōtum nōtam nōtum nōtōs nōtās nōta
ablative nōtō nōtā nōtō nōtīs
vocative nōte nōta nōtum nōtī nōtae nōta

Derived terms



  • notus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • notus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • NOTUS in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “notus”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • Gaul is bounded by the Rhone.[TR1: Gallia Rhodano continetur (vid. sect. V. 4., note contineri aliqua re...)
    • to wish any one a prosperous journey: aliquem proficiscentem votis ominibusque prosequi (vid. sect. VI. 11, note Prosequi...)
    • to be blind: oculis captum esse (vid. sect. IV. 6., note auribus, oculis...)
    • to enjoy good health: bona (firma, prospera) valetudine esse or uti (vid. sect. VI. 8., note uti...)
    • to perform the last offices of affection: supremis officiis aliquem prosequi (vid sect. VI. 11., note Prosequi...)
    • source, origin: fons et caput (vid. sect. III., note caput...)
    • to be favoured by Fortune; to bask in Fortune's smiles: fortunae favore or prospero flatu fortunae uti (vid. sect. VI. 8., note uti...)
    • to wish prosperity to an undertaking: aliquid optimis ominibus prosequi (vid. sect. VI. 11., note Prosequi...)
    • to honour, show respect for, a person: aliquem honore afficere, augere, ornare, prosequi (vid. sect. VI. 11., note Prosequi...)
    • to consent to..., lend oneself to..: descendere ad aliquid, ad omnia (vid. sect. V. 9, note Similarly descendere...)
    • philosophy is neglected, at low ebb: philosophia (neglecta) iacet (vid. sect. VII. 1, note iacēre...)
    • to express clearly, make a lifelike representation of a thing: exprimere aliquid verbis or oratione (vid. sect. VI. 3, note adumbrare...)
    • good Latin: sermo latinus (opp. sermo parum latinus) (cf. sect. VII. 2., note For the use of adverbs...)
    • an old proverb which every one knows: proverbium vetustate or sermone tritum (vid. sect. II. 3, note tritus...)
    • to treat in writing: litteris persequi (vid. sect. VIII. 2, note persequi...) aliquid
    • to possess presence of mind: praesenti animo uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)
    • to behave with cruelty: crudelitate uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)
    • to use insulting expressions to any one: contumeliosis vocibus prosequi aliquem (vid. sect. VI. 11, note Prosequi...)
    • thought and deed: consilia et facta (cf. sect. X. 1, note For 'thoughts and deeds'...)
    • to inspire with religious feeling, with the fear of God: imbuere (vid. sect. VII. 7, note imbuere...) pectora religione
    • to shake the foundations of religion: religionem labefactare (vid. sect. V. 7, note In Latin metaphor...)
    • to give an oracular response: responsum dare (vid. sect. VIII. 5, note Note to answer...), respondere
    • his means suffice to defray daily expenses: copiae cotidianis sumptibus suppetunt (vid. sect. IV. 2, note suppeditare...)
    • prodigal expenditure: sumptus effusi (vid. sect. IX. 2, note Cf. effusa fuga...) or profusi
    • cash; ready money: pecunia praesens (vid. sect. V. 9, note Notice too...) or numerata
    • to subtract something from the capital: de capite deducere (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...) aliquid
    • credit is going down: fides (vid. sect. IX. 10, note fides has six...) concidit
    • to vote (in the popular assembly): suffragium ferre (vid. sect. VI. 4, note Not sententiam...)
    • to formally propose a law to the people: legem rogare or rogare populum (cf. sect. XVI. 4, note Aulus Gellius...)
    • without breaking the law: salvis legibus (vid. sect. X. 7, note Notice...)
    • to be politically annihilated: iacēre (vid. sect. VII. 1, note iacēre...)
    • to collect the taxes: vectigalia exercere (vid. sect. V. 7, note The first...)
    • to found a colony somewhere: coloniam deducere in aliquem locum (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
    • to administer justice; to judge (used of criminal cases before the praetor): iudicium exercere (vid. sect. V. 7, note The first...)
    • to reinstate a person in his right: aliquem in integrum (vid. sect. V. 4, note The proper...) restituere
    • to take the military oath: sacramentum (o) dicere (vid. sect. XI. 2, note sacramentum...)
    • to pluck up the standards out of the ground (to begin the march): signa convellere (vid. sect. XVI. 6, note signa...)
    • a breach: patentia ruinis (vid. XII. 1, note ruina...)
    • to accept battle: potestatem sui facere (alicui) (cf. sect. XII. 9, note audientia...)
    • to have recourse to force of arms: ad vim et arma descendere (vid. sect. V. 9, note Similarly...)
    • to win, lose a fight (of the commander): rem (bene, male) gerere (vid. sect. XII. 2, note rem gerere...)
    • to reduce a people to their former obedience: aliquem ad officium (cf. sect. X. 7, note officium...) reducere (Nep. Dat. 2. 3)
    • to launch a boat: navem deducere (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
    • (ambiguous) to injure a man's character, tarnish his honour: notam turpitudinis alicui or vitae alicuius inurere
    • (ambiguous) the reprimand of a censor: nota, animadversio censoria
    • (ambiguous) not to be diffuse on such a well-known subject: ne in re nota et pervulgata multus sim
  • notus in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers