Webster 1913 Edition
That which a person does, either voluntarily or by appointment, for, or with reference to, others; customary duty, or a duty that arises from the relations of man to man;
as, kind
. offices
, pious offices
I would I could do a good
between you. Shakespeare
A special duty, trust, charge, or position, conferred by authority and for a public purpose; a position of trust or authority;
as, an executive or judical
; a municipal office
A charge or trust, of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself;
as, the
. office
of a priest under the old dispensation, and that of the apostles in the newInasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine
. Rom. xi. 13.
That which is performed, intended, or assigned to be done, by a particular thing, or that which anything is fitted to perform; a function; – answering to duty in intelligent beings.
They [the eyes] resign their
and their light. Shakespeare
Hesperus, whose
Twilight upon the earth.
is to bringTwilight upon the earth.
In this experiment the several intervals of the teeth of the comb do the
of so many prisms. Sir I. Newton.
The company or corporation, or persons collectively, whose place of business is in an office;
as, I have notified the
. office
The apartments or outhouses in which the domestics discharge the duties attached to the service of a house, as kitchens, pantries, stables, etc.
As for the
, let them stand at distance. Bacon.
Any service other than that of ordination and the Mass; any prescribed religious service.
This morning was read in the church, after the
was done, the declaration setting forth the late conspiracy against the king’s person. Evelyn.
To perform, as the duties of an office; to discharge.
Webster 1828 Edition
A particular duty, charge or trust conferred by public authority and for a public purpose; an employment undertaken by commission or authority from government or those who administer it. Thus we speak of the office of secretary of state, of treasurer, of a judge, of a sheriff, of a justice of the peace, &c. Offices are civil, judicial, ministerial, executive, legislative, political, municipal, diplomatic, military, ecclesiastical, &c.2.
A duty, charge or trust of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself; as the office of priest, in the Old Testament; and that of the apostles, in the New Testament.Insomuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify my office. Rom. 11.
Duty or employment of a private nature; as the office of a midwife. Ex. 1.4.
That which is performed, intended or assigned to be done by a particular thing, or that which any thing is fitted to perform; answering to duty in intelligent beings. We enjoy health when the several organs of the body perform their respective offices.In this experiment, the several intervals of the teeth of the comb do the office of so many prisms.
Business; particular employment.Hesperus, whose office is to bring twilight upon the earth.
Act of good or ill voluntarily tendered; usually in a good sense; as kind offices; offices of pity; pious offices.7.
Act of worship.8.
Formulary of devotion.The Lord's prayer, the ten commandments and the creed, is a very good office for children if they are not fitted for more regular offices.
A house or apartment in which public officers and others transact business; as the register's office; a lawyer's office.10.
In architecture, an apartment appropriated for the necessary business or occasions of a palace or nobleman's house. The word is used also for a building pertaining to a farm.11.
In the canon law, a benefice which has no jurisdiction annexed to it.12.
The person or persons entrusted with particular duties of a public nature.- This office [of quarter-master-general] not to have the disposal of public money, except small occasional sums.
Definition 2025
office (plural offices)
- (religion) A ceremonial duty or service, particularly:
- 1535, Bible (Coverdale Bible), 1 Chron., 29:
- (Christianity) The authorized form of ceremonial worship of a church.
- (Christianity, obsolete) Mass, (chiefly) the introit sung at its beginning.
- (Christianity) Any special liturgy, as the Office for the Dead or of the Virgin.
- (Christianity) A daily service without the eucharist.
- (Catholicism) The daily service of the breviary, the liturgy for each canonical hour, including psalms, collects, and lessons.
- In the Latin rite, all bishops, priests, and transitional deacons are obliged to recite the Divine Office daily.
- 1674, Richard Strange, The Life and Gests of S. Thomas Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford, page 287:
- His spirituall exercises were chiefly Prayer, the H. Sacrifice of Masse, his Canonicall Houres or diuine Office.
- (Protestant) Various prayers used with modification as a morning or evening service.
- (Christianity) Last rites.
- 1582, Bible (Rheims), John, 12 (marginalia):
- 1618, S. Rowlands, Sacred Memorie, 37:
- 1822, Walter Scott, The Fortunes of Nigel, Vol. III, Ch. xi, page 318:
- I... will be first to render thee the decent offices due to the dead.
- A position of responsibility.
- When the office of Secretary of State is vacant, its duties fall upon an official within the department.
- c. 1300, St. Thomas Becket, ll. 244 ff.
- 1611, Bible (KJV), Epistle to the Romans, 11:13:
- 1787, United States Constitution, Article II, §1:
- I do solemnly swear... that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
- Official position, particularly high employment within government; tenure in such a position.
- She held office as secretary of state until she left office to run for office.
- c. 1300, St. Thomas Becket, ll. 223 ff.
- He cam to court and was in guod offiz
With þe erchebischop of Kaunterburi.
- He cam to court and was in guod offiz
- c. 1605, William Shakespeare & al., The Life of Tymon of Athens, Act I, Scene ii, ll. 207 f.:
- 1923, Rose Macaulay, Told by an Idiot, Act III, Scene xv, l. 227:
- (obsolete) An official or group of officials; (figuratively) a personification of officeholders.
- c. 1440, Stephen Scrope translating Christine de Pisan as The Epistle of Othea, page 85:
- a. 1602, William Shakespeare, The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke, Act III, Scene i, ll. 1724 ff.:
- a. 1625, John Fletcher & al., A Very Woman, Act III, Scene ii, ll. 36 ff.:
- A duty, particularly owing to one's position or station; a charge, trust, or role; (obsolete, rare) moral duty.
- c. 1330, Lai le Freine:
- c. 1603, William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act II, Scene ii, ll. 749 ff.:
- 1667, John Milton, Paradise Lost, Bk. ix:
- 1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Book IV, chapter i
- The antients would certainly have invoked the goddess Flora for this purpose, and it would have been no difficulty for their priests, or politicians to have persuaded the people of the real presence of the deity, though a plain mortal had personated her and performed her office.
- 1811, Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, Vol. I, Ch. viii, page 87:
- A woman... might bring herself to submit to the offices of a nurse, for the sake of the provision and security of a wife.
- 1813, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, page 144:
- […] there I readily engaged in the office of pointing out to my friend the certain evils of such a choice.
- (obsolete) The performance of a duty; an instance of performing a duty.
- c. 1300, The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun, ll. 3555 ff.:
- 1535, Bible (Coverdale), 1 Kings, 10:5:
- 1693, John Dryden translating Juvenal as The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Ch. iii, page 41:
- At Rome (nor think me partial to the Poor)
All Offices of ours are out of Door.
- At Rome (nor think me partial to the Poor)
- (archaic) Function: anything typically done by or expected of something.
- 1340, Ayenbite:
- 1704, Isaac Newton, Opticks:
- In this experiment the several intervals of the teeth of the comb do the office of so many prisms.
1813, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Vol. I, Ch. viii, page 76:
- I hope you saw her petticoat, six inches deep in mud,... and the gown which had been let down to hide it, not doing its office.
1971, John Needham, Science and Civilisation in China, Ch. iii, page 590:
- These ‘Pacific boom-lateens’... are believed to derive from a kind of sprit-sail... in which the upper sprit performs the office of a more or less aft-raking mast.
- 1988, P. Fussell, Thank God for Atom Bomb, page 134:
- The anxious businessman will learn that in most of Southeast Asia,... presenting your business card with your left hand is an affront, every decent Moslem knowing the filthy, smelly offices you reserve that left hand for.
- (obsolete) A bodily function, (chiefly) urination and defecation; an act of urination or defecation.
- c. 1380, Geoffrey Chaucer translating Boethius as Boece:
- c. 1390, John Gower, Confessio Amantis, Book VII, ll. 467 ff.:
- c. 1395, Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Tale of the Wyf of Bathe" in Tales of Caunterbury, ll. 127 ff.:
- c. 1603, William Shakespeare, The Tragoedy of Othello, The Moore of Venice, Act III, Scene iv, ll. 2265 ff.:
- 1613, Samuel Purchas, Purchas, His Pilgrimage, page 623:
- 1764 August 5, David Garrick, letter:
- I never, since I left England, till now, have regal'd Myself with a good house of Office... the holes in Germany are... too round, chiefly owing... to the broader bottoms of the Germans.
- 1823, Lord Byron, Don Juan, Canto XI, §xl, ll. 123 f.:
- The very clerks—those somewhat dirty springs
Of office, or the House of Office.
- The very clerks—those somewhat dirty springs
- (now usually in plural) A service, a kindness.
- The secretary prevailed at the negotiations through the good offices of the Freedonian ambassador.
- c. 1384, Bible (Wycliff), 2 Cor., 9:12:
- The mynisterie of this office... aboundith by manye in doynge of thankingis to the Lord.
- 1575, Elizabeth I, letter:
- c. 1595,, William Shakespeare, The Life and Death of King Richard the Second, Act II, Scene ii, ll. 1089 ff.:
1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Book I, Ch. xiii:
- One of the maxims which the devil, in a late visit upon earth, left to his disciples, is, when once you are got up, to kick the stool from under you. In plain English, when you have made your fortune by the good offices of a friend, you are advised to discard him as soon as you can.
1811, Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, Vol. III, Ch. xiii, page 263:
- I... am sure you will be too generous to do us any ill offices.
- 1830, Joseph Smith, Doctrine and Covenants 25:5:
- And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness.
1915, William Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage, Ch. lxx, page 359:
- He got her slippers and took off her boots. It delighted him to perform menial offices.
- (figuratively, slang) Inside information.
1803, Sporting Magazine, No. 21, page 327:
- Giving the office—is when you suffer any person, who may stand behind your chair, to look over your hand.
1803, Sporting Magazine, No. 21, page 327:
- A room, set of rooms, or building used for non-manual work, particularly:
- The office of the Secretary of State is cleaned when it is vacant.
- c. 1395, Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Freres Tale" in Tales of Caunterbury:
- 1440, Promptorium Parvulorum, page 363:
- 1611, Bible (KJV), 2 Chron., 24:11:
- 1885, The Law Times Reports, No. 53, page 459:
- Griffith, having taken offices a few doors off, also carried on the business of a solicitor.
- 1898, Winston Churchill, The Celebrity, Ch. 2:
- We drove back to the office with some concern on my part at the prospect of so large a case.
- 1945, H.L. Mencken, The American Language, Supplement Vol. I, page 503:
- An English lawyer, whether barrister or solicitor, never has an office, but always chambers.
- 2013 August 3, "Revenge of the Nerds" in The Economist, No. 408:
- Think of banking today and the image is of grey-suited men in towering skyscrapers. Its future, however, is being shaped in converted warehouses and funky offices in San Francisco, New York, and London, where bright young things in jeans and T-shirts huddle around laptops, sipping lattes or munching on free food.
- A room, set of rooms, or building used for administration and bookkeeping.
- 1849, William Thackeray, Pendennis, Vol. I, Ch. xxxvi, page 347:
- The ‘Pall Mall Gazette’ had its offices... in Catherine Street.
- A room, set of rooms, or building used for selling services or tickets to the public.
- 1819 September 22, John Keats, letter to Reynolds:
- There will be some of the family waiting for you at the coach-office.
- 1819 September 22, John Keats, letter to Reynolds:
- (chiefly US, medicine) A room, set of rooms, or building used for consultation and diagnosis, but not surgery or other major procedures.
- (figuratively) The staff of such places.
- The whole office was there... well, except you, of course.
- (figuratively, in large organizations) The administrative departments housed in such places, particularly:
- He's from our public relations office.
- (Britain, Australia, usually capitalized, with clarifying modifier) A ministry or other department of government.
- The secretary of state's British colleague heads the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
- (Catholicism, usually capitalized) Short for Holy Office: the court of final appeal in cases of heresy.
- 1642, J. Howell, Forraine Travell, Ch. x, page 131:
- 1658, Pilgrim's Book, page 3:
- A particular place of business of a larger white-collar business.
- He worked as the receptionist at the Akron office.
- 1647, W. Bridge, Saints Hiding-place, page 17:
- But there is an Insuring-Office set up in the Gospel, as to the venture of our eternities.
- 1732, Benjamin Franklin, "Proposals & Queries to be Asked the Junto":
- 1816, Jane Austen, Emma, Vol. II, Ch. xvii, page 324:
- There are advertising offices, and... by applying to them I should have no doubt of very soon meeting with something that would do.
- 1861, Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, Vol. II, Ch. xii, page 204:
- A large Danish sun or star hanging round his neck by a blue ribbon... had given him the appearance of being insured in some extraordinary Fire Office.
- (now in the plural, dated) The parts of a house or estate devoted to manual work and storage, as the kitchen, scullery, laundry, stables, &c., particularly (euphemistic, dated) a house or estate's facilities for urination and defecation: outhouses or lavatories.
- a. 1422, petition, P.R.O. 117, 5842:
- 1720, William Willymott translating Francis Bacon as "Of Building" in Lord Bacons Essays, Vol. I, page 283:
- As for the Offices, let them stand at some Distance from the House, with some low covered Galleries, to pass from them to the Palace it self.
- 1727, "The Grand Mystery":
- ... proposals for erecting 500 Publick Offices of Ease in London and Westminster...
- 1887, Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet, Ch. iii:
- A short passage, bare planked and dusty, led to the kitchen and offices.
- 1957, Emyr Estyn Evans, Irish Folk Ways, Ch. viii, page 112:
- 1957, John Braine, Room at Top, Ch. i, page 13:
- The bathroom's to the right and the usual offices next to it.
- 1980, William Golding, Rites of Passage, Ch. i, page 6:
- (Britain law, historical) Short for inquest of office: an inquest undertaken on occasions when the Crown claimed the right of possession to land or property.
- 1432, petition, P.R.O. 26, 1259:
- 1768, William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, Vol. III, page 259:
1977, John McDonald Burke, Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, Vol. I, page 280:
- If the Crown claimed the land of an idiot, the person had first to be found an idiot by office.
- (obsolete) A piece of land used for hunting; the area of land overseen by a gamekeeper.
1617, Nicholas Assheton, Journal, page 60:
- All hunt in James Whitendales office.
1617, Nicholas Assheton, Journal, page 60:
- (figuratively, slang, obsolete) A hangout: a place where one is normally found.
- (Britain military slang, dated) A plane's cockpit, particularly an observer's cockpit.
1917, Alan Bott, An Airman's Outings, page 161:
- I withdraw into ‘the office’, otherwise the observer's cockpit.
- 1941 March 24, Life, page 85:
- In the slang of the Royal Air Force man, the cockpit of his plane is the ‘pulpit’ or ‘office’, the glass covering over it the ‘greenhouse’.
- 1966 May 13, New Statesman, page 687
1917, Alan Bott, An Airman's Outings, page 161:
- (computing) A collection of business software typically including a word processor and spreadsheet and slideshow programs.
Usage notes
In reference to professional services, the term office is used with somewhat greater scope in American English, which speaks of doctor's offices &c., where British English generally prefers particular words such as surgery.
- (religious ritual): service, divine service, religious service, liturgy
- (Catholic ritual): Divine Office, breviary, Liturgy of the Hours, liturgy of the hours, canonical hours
- (position of responsibility): See Wikisaurus:office
- (doctor's office): surgery (UK)
- (major governmental division): department, ministry, bureau
- (facilities for urination and defecation): See Wikisaurus:bathroom
- (position of responsibility): See Wikisaurus:office
- (site of non-manual work): ticket office, box office (selling tickets); post office (governmental mail services)
Derived terms
Terms derived from office
Related terms
ceremonial religious duty or rite
position of responsibility
room(s) or building used for non-manual work
major governmental division
kindness — see good offices
office (third-person singular simple present offices, present participle officing, simple past and past participle officed)
- To provide (someone) with an office.
- Is he officed in Congressional Relations or is he officed in SCA?
- Prior to that time, Station personnel were first officed in temporary wartime barracks on the campus and then on the second floor of the Journalism Building.
- (intransitive) To have an office.
Most common English words before 1923: opinion · according · walked · #592: office · government · particular · charge
- ↑ Oxford English Dictionary. "office, n." Oxford University Press (Oxford), 2004.
- ↑ Oxford English Dictionary. "† opifice, n."
- ↑ Oxford English Dictionary. "opifex, n."
- Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 7th ed. "office". G. & C. Merriam Co. (Springfield), 1967.
- The Century Dictionary. "office". The Century Co. (New York), 1911.
- IPA(key): /ɔfis/
office m (plural offices)
- charge, task, mandate
- administrative bureau, department
- religious service, notably liturgical office
- place where a household's table (food and drink)-related services are conducted, especially by domestic staff
Derived terms
- Nouveau Petit Larousse illustré. Dictionnaire encyclopédique. Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1952, 146th edition