Definition 2025



See also: SIers




siers m (1st declension)

  1. cheese (dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk)
    siera ražošanacheese production
    skābpiena siers ― sour milk cheese
    kausētais siers ― processed cheese
    ciets, pusciets, mīksts siers ― hard, semi-hard, soft cheese
    trekns, liess siers ― fat, lean milk
    Latvijas, Holandes siers ― Latvian, Dutch cheese
    zaļais siers ― blue cheese
    siet sieru ― to prepare (lit. to tie, to bind) cheese (in the form of a circular disc, by wrapping it with cloth and placing it under pressure)
    biezpiens un siers ir ļoti labi bioloģiski vērtīgu olbaltumvielu, kalcija un fosfora avoti ― curd and cheese are very good sources of biologically valuable proteins, calcium and phosphorus
  2. (in the genitive, used adjectivally) cheese; made of cheese; with added cheese
    siera salāti'cheese salad
    siera maizītecheese bun
    siera radziņicheese croissants
    siera cepumicheese biscuits, crackers
    siera sviestam patīkama garša un aromātscheese butter (has) pleasant taste and aroma



  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), siers”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7